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     第5章,信息资源协同配置的整体化实现。依据国家创新系统中信息资源协同配置的实现机理,本章从体制、技术、经济、法律多个维度分析了信息资源协同配置的整体实现方法。从体制角度而言,协同配置体制建设是实现有效配置监管、落实配置制度安排、指导配置实践的重要前提,必须在国家统一规划下建立科学的体制框架,促进政府配置机制与市场自组织机制的协调运行;从技术角度而言,信息资源协同配置的顺利实现需要信息技术的有力支撑,本章从协同配置和协同创新两个层面进行综合考虑,提出协同配置平台设计思路,应用SOA架构和Web Service技术构建了基于CSCW环境的配置平台模型,探索了平台核心功能的技术实现;从经济角度而言,信息资源协同配置是一项经济活动,涉及多方主体的经济利益,需要通过切实可行的“博弈-协商”过程协调不同主体间的利益关系,促进主体间持续合作与协同发展;从法律角度而言,信息资源在不同配置主体间的流动,涉及信息资源产权的转化,需要通过有效的知识产权制度来规范协调各类创新主体的配置行为,保障知识成果创造者的基本权益。
Nowadays, scientific and technical innovation has been the key force to enhance general competitive advantage and international status of the country. All countries have considered strengthening the independent innovation capability as the strategic basis for national sustainable development, and are committed to their own national innovation system (NIS) planning and construction. NIS is a complex open system which is composed of different innovation subjects, which undertakes the important task of national innovation and development. In the information environment, the NIS can't work without a strong guarantee of information resources, and the scientific and rational, optimal allocation of these information resources. National innovation is a difficult, high-risk, high-input complex project and the implementation of innovation strategy requires various innovation subjects in the NIS to break the organizational boundaries integrate the internal and external information resources and realize the widely exchange and cooperation through the co-construction and sharing of information resources. On the require of the national innovation and development, the scope of the information resources allocation has extended from inside the organization to the NIS, placing more emphasis on various subjects working together, close cooperation and coordination interaction, which also promotes the information resources allocation toward to the socialization, collaboration, information resources collaborative allocation gradually formed. At present, the research of information resources collaborative allocation has just begun. It not only the urgent need of NIS's effective operation, but also the inevitable choice of innovation-oriented country building strategy realization for China to discuss this important issue.
     Based on summarizing the research and practice from home and abroad, this dissertation focuses on the real needs of national innovation and development, combines the synergetics and traditional resources allocation theory, builds up a national innovation-oriented information resources collaborative allocation theoretical framework around the construction and operation of NIS. It explores the collaborative mechanism from the levels of strategic, management, operation and technology, emphatically studies collaborative allocaiton evolution process and model, analyzes the overall implement methods in detail. On the basis of theoretical study, the dissertation takes further empirical research on the China NIS. According to the survey results and simulation analysis, the dissertation finded out the key restrictive factors for China information resources collaborative allocation and then proposed specific solution strategies. There are 100 figures and 30 tables attached to this paper. The full text is about 190,000 Chinese characters, divided into eight chapters, and their main ideas are as follows:
     Chapter 1 National innovation development and information resources allocation collaborative evolution
     National innovation system is the important force to promote the economic development and technological progress for a country. In the information environment, the evolution of the nation innovation strategy promotes the NIS construction towards opening, socialization and coordination, and thus proposes new demands for national innovation-oriented information resources allocation, which promotes its collaborative development. This section analyzes the transformation and collaborative development trend of information resources allocation, and illuminates its definition, features and elements from the perspective of synergetics.
     Chapter 2 The environment, location and organization of Information resources collaborative allocation in the NIS
     NIS is an open system which is continuously exchanging the material, energy and information with the environment. So the organization of information resources collaborative allocation in the NIS should adapt to environment changes and take scientific targeting. On the basis of environment analysis, this section proposes the overall object of information resources collaborative allocation, which is to orient to the needs of national innovation subjects, to enhance the information resources input-output efficiency in the NIS through overall collaboration between innovation subjects, elements and environment, and thus to achieve the comprehensive and collaborative innovation in all areas. According to the overall object, the information resources collaborative allocation should make collaborative allocation ability as the order parameter, carried out with the appropriate models and according to a reasonable path.
     Chapter 3 Hierarchical promotion of information resources collaborative allocation
     According to the object location and level arrangement, the information resources collaborative allocation should be promoted in phases and levels. This section proposes a main thought of realizing the collaboration stage by stage on the levels of strategy, management, operation and technology according to the information resources allocation system hierarchy. Among them, strategy level collaboration aimed at achieving the collaboration of national innovation development strategy and national resource allocation strategy, the national resource allocation strategy and areas resource allocation strategy. The management level collaboration includes the "upper and lower linkage" between national information management institutions and regions, industrial institutions, and function coordination and responsibility division between all the related management institutions; operation level collaboration aimed at coordinating the competition and cooperation relations between different subjects, optimizing the overall allocation process, and promoting the co-evolution of subjects' competition and cooperation relations by selecting a reasonable model. The technical support level collaboration mainly to realize optimization and integration application of various collaborative technologies.
     Chapter 4 Information resources collaborative allocation model based on system dynamic
     Because of the NIS's complexity, innovation subjects' active adaptability and innovation environment uncertainty, the information resources collaborative allocation in NIS has the characteristics of multi-loop, non-linear, high-end and difficult to quantify, showing obvious features of system dynamics. On the basis of synergetics principles, this section makes a qualitative and quantitative research of information resources collaborative allocation evolution mechanism using system dynamics method, further reveals the inherent relationship of various levels from the system operation view, analyzes the causal relationship in collaborative allocation, draws the dynamics flow diagrams and finally constructs the collaborative allocation system dynamics model. It supplies a way for simulation of collaborative allocation implementation process.
     Chapter 5 Implementation of information resources collaborative allocation
     According to the implementation mechanism of information resources collaborative allocation in NIS, this section introduces its implementation methods from four dimensions which are (political) institution, technology, economy and law. From an institutional point of view, collaborative allocation institution-building is the important prerequisite for implementation of effective monitor, institutional arrangement and practice guide, which requires to establish a scientific institutional framework under government's unified planning. From a technical point of view, this section proposes a platform design idea from collaborative allocation and innovation, and then builds up a CSCW-based allocation platform framework with the help of SOA framework and Web Service technologies. From an economic point of view, the information resources collaborative allocation is an economic activity which involves multi-subjects' economic interests. So it should use effective "Game-consultation" procedure to coordinate the interests relationship between those subjects and promote their sustainable cooperation and collaborative development. From a legal point of view, the flow of information resources among the different subjects will involve the transformation of resources property rights, which thus needs effective intellectual property protection to regulate every subject's information behavior and protect basic rights of intellectual achievements creators.
     Chapter 6 The comprehensive evaluation of information resources collaborative allocation
     As the research of information resources collaborative allocation at home and abroad has just started, there is no specific evaluation system for it. Referring to the existing evaluation systems for traditional information resources allocation, and considering the basic characteristics and operation mechanism of the collaboration allocation, this section analyzes the interlinkages between information resources collaborative allocation and NIS operating performance using the Balanced Scorecard model, and then determines four evaluation dimensions:optimization and sustainable development, collaborative allocation process, overall synergistic effect and collaborative allocation efficiency. According to the evaluation content of each dimension, the author designs a comprehensive evaluation system which is composed of 4 first degree indicators and 14 second degree indicators. And then, the weight of each indicator is calculated by analytic hierarchy process and the corresponding performance evaluation flow is designed.
     Chapter 7 The program and empirical research of the information resources collaborative allocation in China national innovation system
     Based on the analysis and evaluation of China NIS building and information resources allocation current status, this dissertation points out that the problems of China information resources allocation. According to the needs of China national innovation and development, this section designs an information resource collaborative allocation implementation program around the China's strategic goals of innovation-oriented country building by the theory and methods proposed in this dissertation, and constructs a national information resources collaborative allocation system framework. Using the system dynamics model proposed in Chapter 4, this section makes a simulation of China information resource collaborative allocation system, predicts the development of resource allocation in China. From the simulation results, we can find out the key influencing factors of collaborative allocation implementation. At last, this section proposes the implementation strategies for China information resource collaborative allocation from several aspects.
     Chapter 8 Conclusion
     This section summarizes the research of the dissertation, points out limitations of research, and at last puts forward the study plans for the future research.
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