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     通过对大型生物骨架礁组合中生物群落的详细研究,将其自下而上划分为两个不同的生长阶段和组合面貌不同的四个群落:珊瑚Ivanovia cf. manchurica群落、叶状藻群落、菌藻类蓝细菌群落、珊瑚Fomitchevella群落。前三者各种不同生物在不同环境中独立发育构成小点礁,彼此平行排列,形成了下部点礁层;后者构成其上部主礁体。这些群落代表了生物礁不同的发展阶段,显示了在造礁过程中生物种类更替演化的特征,而群落演化与造礁有一致的对应关系,并控制着生物礁的发育和规模。
     大型生物骨架礁建造过程:在不同的台地边缘环境所形成的生物碎屑滩之上,由蓝细菌、Ivanovia cf.manchurica和叶状藻分别建立的造礁群落建造了下部点礁层。随着环境的变化,开始了Fomitchevella的第一次发展,但由于Fomitchevella在群落中分散发展,并没有形成规模,造礁失败。后来Fomitchevella集中定殖并迅速向周围发展,占据了大部分空间,建立了以Fomitchevella为主的造礁群落,Fomitchevella在稳定的生态环境中得到极度的发展,最终建造了罕见的石炭纪大型珊瑚骨架礁。
By the effect of Frasnian-Famennian extinct and the ice age in the south hemisphere, there is few reefs in the carboniferous, and the research about the reefs in the carboniferous are centralized on some algae, the research on the metazoan framework reefs is comparatively weak.
     A large-scale of framework reefs is found in Houchang Town of Ziyun city in Guizhou province. The reefs lies in the Triticites zone of Maping Formation and formed in the late stage of late Carboniferous, Fomitchevella is a kind of new discovered reef-building biology of late carboniferous,it is a familiar kind of colony tetracoral, other reef-building organisms are Phylloid algae, Ivanovia cf.manchurica, cyanobacteria It forms the colony framework like pipes by buding, there are two types:lateral multiplication and central multiplication.The large-scale of assemblage reefs develops at the margin of carbonate platform, as the influence of change of environment, the reefs-building community changes clearly in the reefs.
     By the research of the reefs, it is divided into 2 growth stage,4 communities from lower to upper portions. The reef-building communities are Ivanovia cf.manchurica, Phylloid algae, cyanobacteria and colony tetracoral Fomitchevella community. The three formers grew individually in various environments and formed dot-reefs in parallel mode. The latter formed upper major reef by large phacelloid Fomitchevella. These communities represent different developing stages of the reefs and reveal biologic succession features of the reefs in the reef-building process. There is a consistent and corresponding relation that controlled the growth of distribution of the reefs between the evolution of communities and the reef-building process.
     The process of the large-scale of framework reefs is:formed in different platform margin environment on the bioclast beach, the reef-building community builded by cyanobacteria, Ivanovia cf.manchurica and Phylloid algae formed the dot-reefs layer. Along with the
     changing of enviroment, Fomitchevella replaces the underpart community, the first development of Fomitchevella begins. But as Fomitchevella growing decentralized and no forms the reef-building community, so the development of Brachiopoda restricts the living space of Fomitchevella,at last,most of spaces are took up by Brachiopoda,so Fomitchevella doesn't joint together and the reef-building fails. At the evening, Fomitchevella fixes up centralized, develops around, takes large spaces and formed the reef-building community base on Fomitchevella. Then Fomitchevella develops exceeding under steady entironment and builds the unusual large coral framework reefs of Carboniferous finally.
     By the research of the large-scale of framework reefs in Houchang Town of Ziyun county in Guizhou province, we found that their model of growth, development and structure characterized by Fomitchevella communities are very different from other reefs of late Carboniferous in China and the world. The discovery of Houchang Town of Ziyun county in Guizhou province reefs increases biological types of Carboniferous communities in the world. It offers a new example for evolution of reef-building community and reef growth.
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