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For the past few years, problems of resource and environment generally become hotspots of the society with the development of economy and humanity. Natural resource is regarded as basic input in economic development, likewise, resource-based industry is regard as basis and origin of all industries. However, for the past long period, a series of issues make resource-based industry conservative and laggard, such as low productivity, poor technology, low added-value of product, simple industrial structure, and threat to environment. Facing the hardness of resource supply worldwide, a lot of countries begin to focus on how to enhance productivity and technology of resource-based industry, how to increase added-value of product and to improve industrial structure, so as to resolve the problem of coordination between resource-based industry development and natural environment. On the other hand, in the context of economic globalization, industrial cluster emerges and generally becomes an important path for regional economic development with its unique edge and vigorous vitality. On the background above, resource-based industrial cluster is selected as the object of study, to promote the development of resource-based industry by the term of industrial cluster, in order to promote economic development of resource-based region and solve current contradiction between resource and environment.
     Based on theories of resource-based economy and industrial cluster, the study utilizes theoretical bases of resource economics, industry economics, region economics, system dynamics and evolution economics, meanwhile, it employs a series of research methodology, including literature collection and reference, combination of qualitative and quantitative method, combination of empirical and canonical study, interview and comparison. Besides, the study states the concepts, classification and characteristics of China's resource-based industrial clusters, also, analyzes recognition method, dynamic mechanism, dynamic evolution and clustering policies of resource-based industrial cluster. The recognition of resource-based industrial cluster should be investigated from perspectives of the extent of resource dependence of industrial cluster and the extent of clustering of resource-based industry. Dynamic mechanism of resource-based industrial cluster embraces dynamic structure, dynamic function and dynamic principle. Evolution of resource-based industrial cluster can be divided into four stages which are showed as accumulation, gathering, clustering and escalation (or transformation). Moreover, each stage will be facing different risk, hereby different clustering policies are necessary accordingly. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the study selects resource-based industrial cluster of Shaanxi as a case, illustrates current situation of the development of resource-based industries of Shaanxi, recognizes resource-based industrial clusters in Shaanxi, and proposes development dynamics of indusrial clusters together with adoptable solutions.
     Achievements and innovations of the study are showed as the followings. Firstly, combining with features of resource-based industry, the study creates the RIS model for recognition of resource-based industrial cluster from the aspects of resource gathering, industrial network and service system. Furthermore, the study establishes the RIS system for recognition and estimation with the combination between qualitative and quantitative method. Specifically, the study points out the utilization of the RIS system in recognition and estimation of resource-based industrial cluster. Secondly, based on support conditions of resource-based industrial cluster and according to structure, function and principle of the mechanism, the study establishes the SFP model of dynamic mechanism of resource-based industrial cluster, indicates approach of evaluation on dynamics of resource-based industrial cluster by the SFP model, moreover, it proposes features of dynamics and evolution routes of SFP dynamic mechanism in different stages of life cycle of resource-based industrial cluster, combining with the evolution in life cycle of resource-based industrial cluster. Thirdly, the study analyzes current situations of the development of resource-based industries in Shaanxi, recognizes several main resource-based industrial clusters and their dynamics mechanism in Shaanxi by using the RIS and SFP model, and also puts forward some recommendations on policies on the development of resource-based industries of Shaanxi.
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