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     (4)对热管铣刀散热功能结构参数进行了分析,得出优化的主要结构参数包括:热管的参数(铣刀内孔壁与热管蒸发端外表面的接触长度l、热管蒸发端外表面与翅片内孔的接触长度l_1、热管表面光洁度Ra_g、热管蒸发端与铣刀内孔的配合间隙H_1、热管冷凝端与散热器内孔的配合间隙H_2);翅片的参数(翅片的直径r、翅片的厚度h_2、翅片的宽度h_1、翅片表面光洁度Ra_c);涡轮的参数(涡轮内外径差Δ r、涡轮内径与翅片之间间隙Δ r_1、涡轮扇片的偏角α、涡轮扇片的数量x、涡轮扇片的表面光洁度Rα w)。通过正交实验和理论分析,得到结构参数对热管铣刀散热能力影响的判断:热管的五个关键因素对散热能力影响,按显著程度由大到小为:l_1、H_1、l、H_2、 Ra;翅片四个关键参数对散热能力影响,按显著程度由大到小为: r、h_1和h_2、Ra_c;涡轮五个关键参数对散热能力影响,按显著程度由大到小为:α、 Δ r、x、Δ r_1、Rα_w。
Increasing the material removal rate is usually by improving the cutting and feedingspeed in the modern high productivity process, but the cutting overheating phenomenon isparticularly prominent when using this cutting process, therefore, how to improve thedissipation speed of cutting heat becomes an important issue. Pouring cooling liquid is still amain cooling way when cutting metal, but processing cutting fluid is very expensive, andcutting fluid damages the environment seriously. In recent years, the researches on theadvanced cooling technology made a lot of achievements: green cutting fluid, dry cutting(which needs auxiliary equipment), and hard cutting (without using of any medium). Amongthese results, dry cutting technology has many defects that cannot be overcome. Hard cuttingtechnology should be the ideal cutting method, but unless machine and cutting-toolstechnology make a breakthrough, the cutting overheating problems still exist.
     Cooling cutting process through tool/tool-holder is a new concept. In recent years,researchers investigated this technology by inserting a heat pipe into cutter to improve coolingspeed. Results show that the method can decrease the temperature of handle and head ofcutter, reduce the amount of tool’s thermal expansion and wear rate. However, because thetemperature of the milling cutter is difficult to measure directly and the structure of heat pipemilling cutter is very complex, researches mostly focus on the heat pipe cutter and mainly usesimulation when study of rotating heat pipe cutter. Therefore, this thesis has studied therelevant theory on how to improve the cooling speed of heat pipe milling cutter. The mainconclusions are as follows:
     (1)The thermocouple wireless temperature measuring system is established to measurethe temperature of high speed rotating milling. In this system, thermal potential signals areconveyed to the static equipment via wireless module, the thermocouple temperature ofreference end can be accurately compensated, and the geometric structure of thermoelectricpotential signal acquisition and transmission module is optimized. The filtering techniqueused in the situation of large temperature gradient is established.The system is proved to beaccurate through experiments.
     (2) The three-dimensional simulation model of unsteady temperature field of millingcutter entity is established by using the finite difference method. The study finds that thetime-temperature function of temperature measuring point is related to the heat flow densityflowing into the cutter. In order to simulate the milling temperature field, heat flux is loadedinto the cutter entity through the welding DC power. By measuring the cutting zone temperature, a series of time-temperature function of milling cutter are obtained, withdifferent loaded heat flow density. Time-temperature curve obtained through cuttingtemperature measurement experiment are fitted with time-temperature curve obtained throughsimulation method. There is a curve that is the most closed with the time-temperature curvegetting from temperature measurement experiment, in the entire time-temperature curveobtained through simulation method. The simulation curve corresponds with the curve ofmilling temperature experiment. The cutting zone temperature can be got according of thethree-dimensional unsteady temperature field;
     (3)Based on the3D temperature field of milling cutter, the basic structure, which isused to transfer heat, of milling cutter had been optimized. The one-dimensional model ofmilling cutter Thermal resistance has been established. The thermal resistance has beenreduced through optimization the basic structure of milling cutter, and then the radiatingeffect will be increased. These optimization results are proved to be reasonable through aseries of experiments. The experimental results are as follows: The cooling effect can beobviously improved if the cutter head is embedded a copper bottom structure; Embeddingcopper bottom in milling cutter, the temperature of measuring point will be reduced6(℃),Compared with the through-hole structure; The heat dissipation capability of heat pipecutter can be improved, reaming a hole in the end of milling cutter; The temperature will bereduced more than3(℃), compared with no reaming milling cutter structure; The numbers ofthe ridge sheet structure are limited with the diameter of heat pipe, compared with the finstructure; The fin structure has better heat radiating effect than the sun flower ridge structure;The convective heat transfer coefficient will be increased because a strong wind will beformed on the surface of the radiator if a turbo fan is installed around the finned radiator oronly using a ridge structure radiator; Heat pipe cutter by the comprehensive optimization hasa better heat radiating performance than ordinary milling cutter; The temperature intemperature measurement point of heat pipe cutter reduce16(℃), the cutting zonetemperature reduce46(℃).
     (4)These parameters need to be optimized are determined after analyzing the heatdissipation structure of heat pipe cutter: the parameters of heat pipe is l、l_1、Ra_g、H_1、H_2;the parameters of fin is r、h_2、h_1、Ra_c;the parameters of turbine is Δ r、Δ r_1、α、 x、Rα w.The experimental results are consistent with the results of theoretical calculations: Fivekey factors of heat pipe influencing the cooling capacity, ranking from high to low according to the significant degree, isl_1、H_1、l、H_2、Ra.Their optimal values are50(mm),70(mm),0.4(um),0.02(mm),0.04(mm); Four key parameters of fin radiator is r, h_1, h_2andRac.Their optimal values are50(mm)、0.7(mm)、0.8(mm)、6.3(um);Four key parameters ofturbine is α、 Δr、 x、Δ r_1、Rα_w,Their optimal values are40°、50(mm)、12(pieces)and0(mm);Experimental results showed that surface roughness of turbine fan blad does notaffect t heat dissipation capability.
     Finally, comparing with common cutter, we founded that the temperature of heat pipecutter on cutting zone can reduce50(℃), after milling temperature measurement experimentand temperature field simulation experiment.
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