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The Newspaper industry in the U.S. has gone through prior periods of boom and bust since 1830s. However, for this time, the U.S. newspaper industry is suffering through what could be its worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Advertising revenues are plummeting due to the severe economic downturn, while readership habits are changing as consumers turn to the Internet for free news and information. Some major newspaper chains are even burdened by heavy debt loads. Therefore, it's important and urgent for newspaper to find a way out of such dilemma, the way it to invent a digital journalism and new services for newspaper readers, in order to draw their attention again.
     This dissertation is a case study of the famous New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today, which is conducted through three parts:the cyberspace, the mobile field, and the organizational change of newspaper industry. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the background of this study with a literature review on three relative topics:the relationship between traditional media and new media, the transformational change in the newspaper industry and the invention of digital newspaper. It suggests that newspapers'such digital transformation could be attributed to the financial crisis it underwent and the pursuit of economic interest. The second chapter reviews the situation of U.S. newspaper industry, especially New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today with a social and media ecology perspective, it also analyses why U.S. newspaper industry has suffered such financial crisis, and what kinds of transitions the U.S. newspaper industry has gone through in this digital age. The third chapter uses the diffusion of innovation theory to analyses the diffusion of American online newspapers, including its diffusion process, adopter categories, and the re-invention characteristics of New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today. The fourth chapter discusses the remedial function of "media-in-motion", such as cellphone and PDA, it also focuses on the three levels of mobile services and the new send-reccive model in mobile field. The fifth chapter studies the features of newspaper organizations, and the internal reasons and external reasons for newspaper organizational change. The conclusion part sums up five key words that run through the whole process of U.S. newspaper digital development; it concludes that the convergence of newspaper and new media is not only a current necessity but also a future trend.
1 Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Holt, D., & Hahn, T. (2009). What the papers say:trends in sustainability:a comparative analysis of 115 leading national newspapers worldwide. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship,March.22,69-86.
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    9 Philip Meyer(2009), The vanishing newspaper:saving journalism in the information age, University of Missouri Press, Colombia, Missouri 65201.
    10 Everette E. Dennis, Stephen Warley, James Sheridan(2006). Doding Digital:An Assessment of the Top 25 U.S. Media Companies and their Digital Strategies, Journal of Media Business Studies,3(1).33-S1
    11 Rupert Murdoch(2009), From Town Crier to Bloggers:How Will Journalism Survive the Internet Age? Speech before the Federal Trade Commission's Workshop, December 1
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    13 Odum, E. P.; Barrett, G. W. (2005). Fundamentals of ecology. Brooks Cole. pp.598.
    15 Neil Postman,Teaching as a subversive activities.New york:Delacorte Press,1969, p.168
    16 Neil Postman,The humanism of Media Ecology(2000),keynote address delivered at the inaugural Media Ecology Association Convention, Fordham University, New York, June16-17.
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    20 Roger F. Fidler (1997), Mediamorphosis:understanding new media, Pine Forge Press, p.19-20.
    21 Everett M. Rogers (2003), Diffusion of innovations, Free Press, p.17.
    22 Vincent Mosco (2005), The Digital Sublime:Myth, Power, and Cyberspace, The MIT Press, p.146-147.
    35 Duffy, Margaret.,Thorson, Esther. and Shim, Jae.(2006). Citizenship and Use of Traditional and New Media for Information and Entertainment, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, Jun 16
    Daekyung Kim & Thomas J. Johnson(2000). A Victory of the Internet over Mass Media? Examining the Effects of Online Media on Political Attitudes in South Korea, Asian Journal of Communication,16(1), P.1-18
    37 Althaus, S. L,& Tewksbury, D. (2000). Patterns of Internet and traditional news media use in a networked community. Political communication,17, p.21-45
    38 Lin, C. A. (2001). Audience attribute, media supplementation, and likely online service adoption, Mass Communication & Society,4, p.19-38
    39 Brown, J. R. Cramond, J. K.,& Wilde, R. J. (1974). Displacement effects of television and the child's functional orientation to media. In J. G. Blumler, & E. Katz. (Eds.), The Uses of Mass Communications:Current Perspectives on Gratifications Research, Beverly Hills, CA,p.93-112, Maccoby, E. (1951). Television:Its impact on school children. Public Opinion Quarterly,15, p.421-444
    40 Kaye, B. K.,& Johnson, T. J. (2003). From here to obscurity?:Media substitution theory and traditional media in an on-line world. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,54(3), p.260/273
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    42 Ibid.
    43 Althaus, S. L.,& Tewksbury, D. (2000). Patterns of Internet and traditional news media use in a networked community. Political communication,17, p.21-45
    44 Kanter, R.,Stein,B.,&Jick,T.(1992). The Challenge of organizational change:How companies experience it and leaders guide it. New York:The Free Press, p.54-62.
    45 Cole,D.M.(1999). History and the technology race, Presstime, Match,p.57.
    George Sylvie, Patricia Dennis Witherspoon(2002). Time, Change and the American Newspaper, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,p.5-8
    47 Bogart,L.(1999).Newspapers, Media Studies Journal,13(2), p.60-68.
    48 Hider,J.(1998). The trouble with newspapers, Editor&Publisher,131. p.40-46.
    49 Cole,D.M.(1996). Ch-ch-changes,Presstime. Oct. P.59.
    50 Jennings,M.(1999). Editors need to listen up, Editor&Publisher,132,p.70
    51 Johnson,P.(1977). Publisher's Message:Change or be changed, The American Editor,130, p.16
    52 David S. Evans, Karen L. Webster(2007). Tommorrow's news todav:strategies for survival, Ideas. Sept.-Oct. p.8-10
    59 Vincent Mosco (2005), The Digital Sublime:Myth, Power, and Cyberspace, The MIT Press, p.144.
    62 PabloJ. Boczkowski (2004). Digitizing the News:Innovation in Online Newspapers, Cambridge, MA:The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press.
    70 Arthur Asa Berger, Media and society:a critical perspective, Rowman & Littlefield,2007,p178-179.
    73 Harold A. Innis,Alexander John Watson (2008), The Bias of Communication, University of Toronto Press, p4, p28.
    75 Roger F. Fidler (1997), Mediamorphosis:understanding new media, Pine Forge Press, p.19.
    77 Paul Levinson (1979), Human replay:A theory of the evolution of media. Ph.D. dissertation. New York University, p.36-43.
    78 Paul Levinson(1999), Digital McLuhan:A Guide to the Information Millennium, London, Routledge, p.16.
    80 Harding, M. (2008). Five Steps Towards Effective Digital IP Management. Managing Intellectual Property, Issue 182,p.49-52.
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    Joseph R Dominick (2004), Dynamics of Mass Communication:Media in the Digital Age, McGraw-Hill, p.72.
    85 Jack Fuller (1997), News Values:Ideas for an Information Age, University Of Chicago Press, p.244.
    87 Thomas F. Baldwi, D. Stevens McVoy. Charles W. Steinfield, Charles Steinfield (1996), Convergence: Integrating Media, Information & Communication, Sage Publications, Inc, p.4.
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    95 Alison Alexander, James Owers, Rodney A. Carveth, C. Ann Hollifield, Albert N. Greco(2003), Media Economics:Theory and Practice, Routledge, p.109.
    96 Robert G. Picard, Jeffrey H. Brody (1996), Newspaper Publishing Industry, Allyn & Bacon, p.54.
    97 Philip Meyer(2009), The vanishing newspaper:saving journalism in the information age, University of Missouri Press, p 38-40.
    99 Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Holt, D., & Hahn, T. (2009). What the papers say:trends in sustainability:a comparative analysis of 115 leading national newspapers worldwide. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship,March.22,66-68.
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    104 Shayne Bowman, Chris Willis. We Meida:How audiences are shaping the future of news and information, The Media Center at the American Press Institute,2003:14
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    133 Everett M. Rogers(2003), Diffusion of innovations, Free Press. P.119.
    134 Schumpeter,J.A (1997), Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung:Eine Untersuchung uber Unternehmergewinn, Kapital, Kredit, Zins und den Kojunkturzyklus,9. Auflage, Berlin:Dunker und Humblot转引自Cinzia Dal Zotto & Hand Van Kranenburg.(ed) (2008), Management and Innovation in the Media Industry, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.,pp.ix
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    137 Ziv, N.D. "Toward a New Paradigm of Innovation on the Mobile Platform:Redefining the Roles of Content Providers, Technology Companies and Users", Mobile Business Conference 2005, Sydney, Australia, July 2005, IEEE Conference Proceedings
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    139 Lyons,R. J. Chatman and C. Joyce, "Innovation in Services:Corporate Culture and Investment Banking", California Management Review, Vol.50, No.1, Fall 2007
    143 Everett M. Rogers(2003), Diffusion of innovations. Free Press. P.119-135.
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    170 Simon, H.A.(1971), "Desingning Organizations for an Information-Rich World", Martin Greenberger(ed), Computers, communications, and the public interest, The John Hopkins Press, p.40-70.
    171 Staci D. Kramer "Interview:Mario Garcia: 'Print Is The Mother Milk Of The Tablet'",参见http://paidcontent.org/article/419-interview-dr.-mario-garcia-print-is-the-mother-milk-of-the-tablet/
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    176 Teinowitz Ira "USA Today:No longer a newspaper", Advertising Age, Vol.73, Issue 36,2002.
    184 Boyd, d. m.,& Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites:Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,13(1).
    190 Joseph R Dominick (2004), Dynamics of Mass Communication:Media in the Digital Age, McGraw-Hill, p.315.
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    201 Paul Levinson (2004), Cellphone:the story of the world's most mobile medium and how it has transformed everything, Palgrave Macmillan, p.43.
    203 Hagen,l.(1999).'Slaves of the Ratings Tyranny? Media Images of the Audience', in P. Alaasuutari (ed.), Rethinking the Media Audience, London:Sage,pp.130-150.
    204 Denis Mcquail (2005), Mcquail's Mass Communication Theory, Sage Publications Ltd, p.405-408.
    207 Source:emarketer research report, retrieved from http://www.emarketer.com, Dec.2010.
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    221 J. Schuumpere, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Harper Cpllins, New York,1943
    225 Bordewijk,J.L.,& Van Kaam, B.(1986). Towards a new classification of tele-information services. Itermedia, 14(1), pp.16-21.
    226 Nina..D. Ziv "Toward a New Paradigm of Innovation on the Mobile Platform:Redefining the Roles of Content Providers, Technology Companies, and Users", IEEE Conference Proceedings, MBusiness Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 2005
    229 Koch,T.(1991) Journalism for the 21st Century:online Information, Electronic Database and the News, N.Y.: Prager.
    230 Hinings, B. (2003). Structure:Organization. In R. Westwood &S. Clegg(Eds.), Debating organization:Point-counterpoint in organization studies, Oxford, England:Blackwell. p.275-283.
    232 George Sylvie, Patricia Dennis Witherspoon(2002). Time, Change and the American Newspaper, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,p.21-23. Massachusetts:Havard University Press.
    238 Jay DeFoore, "Web Victory: 'New York Times' to Begin Integrating Online Newsroom", Editor&Publisher, August 02,2005.
    239 Mark Glaser, "GrayLady.com:NY Times explodes wall between print, Web", Online Journalism Review, Aug.9, 2005.
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    Katherine Thompsonon, WSJ.com relaunches, revamps newsroom:"This is just the beginning", retrieved from www.editorsweblog.org, Sep.16,2008.
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    249 Katherine Thompsonon, WSJ.com relaunches, revamps newsroom:"This is just the beginning", retrieved from www.editorsweblog.org, Sep.16,2008.
    261 http://www.garciamedia.com/blog/articles/the_shape_of_newsrooms_to_come
    262 Rick Edmonds, "USA Today' s 'Radical Restructuring' Means End of Newsroom Integration, Universal Desk", retrieved from http://www.poynter.org,Oct.20,2010
    263 "'Memo from Craig Dubow", retrieved from Gannett Website, http://gannett.gci/infocenter, Nov.4,2006
    266 Michael Tushman, Michael J. Roberts "USA Today:Pursuing the Network Strategy", Harvard Business School Programme, Sep.19,2005.
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    [27]. Roger F. Fidler (1997), Mediamorphosis:understanding new media, Pine Forge Press
    [28]. Shayne Bowman, Chris Willis. We Meida(2003):How audiences are shaping the future of news and information, The Media Center at the American Press Institute.
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    [4]. Barkemeyer, R., Figge, F., Holt, D., & Hahn, T. (2009). What the papers say: trends in sustainability:a comparative analysis of 115 leading national newspapers worldwide. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship,March.22, 66-68.
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    [8]. Brown, J. R. Cramond, J. K., & Wilde, R. J. (1974). Displacement effects of television and the child's functional orientation to media. In J. G. Blumler, & E. Katz. (Eds.), The Uses of Mass Communications:Current Perspectives on Gratifications Research, Beverly Hills, CA,p.93-112, Maccoby, E. (1951). Television:Its impact on school children. Public Opinion Quarterly,15, p.421-444
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    [10]. Cole,D.M.(1996). Ch-ch-changes,Presstime, Oct. P.59.
    [11]. Daekyung Kim & Thomas J. Johnson(2000). A Victory of the Internet over Mass Media? Examining the Effects of Online Media on Political Attitudes in South Korea, Asian Journal of Communication,16(1), P.1-18
    [12]. David S. Evans, Karen L. Webster(2007). Tommorrow's news today:strategies for survival, Ideas, Sept.-Oct. p.8-10
    [131. Deuze, M. (2003). The Web and its journalisms:Considering the consequences of different types of news media online. New Media & Society,5(2),203-230.
    [14]. Duffy, Margaret.,Thorson, Esther, and Shim, Jae.(2006). Citizenship and Use of Traditional and New Media for Information and Entertainment, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden International Congress Centre, Dresden, Germany, Jun 16
    [15]. Everette E. Dennis, Stephen Warley, James Sheridan (2006). Doding Digital: An Assessment of the Top 25 U.S. Media Companies and their Digital Strategies, Journal of Media Business Studies,3(1).33-51
    [16]. Freeman,C.(1982), The Economics of Industrial Innovation,2nd edition, London:Frances Pinter,pp.57-58. Rothwell,R.&Gardiner,P.(1985), "Invention, innovation, re-innovation and the role of the users" in Technovation, Vol.3, pp168.
    [17]. Harding, M. (2008). Five Steps Towards Effective Digital IP Management. Managing Intellectual Property, Issue 182,p.49-52.
    [18]. Hider,J.(1998). The trouble with newspapers, Editor&Publisher, 131.p.40-46.
    [19]. Jennings,M.(1999). Editors need to listen up, Editor&Publisher,132,p.70
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    [1].崔保国主编《2006中国传媒产业发展报告》,社会科学文献出版社2006 年版