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  • 英文题名:The Study on the Principle of CRH,ACTH,NPY and GAL in Depression and its Mechanism
  • 作者:郑兴东
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:神经生物学
  • 学位年度:2001
  • 导师:路长林
  • 学科代码:071006
  • 学位授予单位:第二军医大学
  • 论文提交日期:2001-05-01
     抑郁症(depression),又称单相情感性障碍(minor depression),是以显著而
     和神经肽 Y(NPY)在抑郁症发病中的作用和机制,进行了较为系统的研究。首先
     量均显著升高巾功刀 1),并且有随着抑郁症状加重而升高的趋势。
     1.血浆和各脑区 CRH含量的变化 与对照组相比,抑郁症大鼠血浆CRH含
     2.血浆和各脑区ACTH含量的变化 与对照组相比,实验性抑郁症大鼠血浆
     3.血浆和各脑区 GAL含量的变化 与对照组相比,实验性抑郁症大鼠血浆GAL
     4.血浆和各脑区NPY fi的变化 与对照组相比,实验性抑郁症大鼠血浆的
The Study on the Principle of CRH, ACTH, NPY and
    GAL in Depression and its Mechanism
     Depression is a series of disease characterized by remarkable and permanent
     depressive mood or mental changes. The incidence of depression has increased
     progressively for more and more social challenge these years. Depression has become a
     major health concern not only because of personal distress, excess mortality, impaired
     interpersonal relationships, and restriction of work activities but also because of the
     economic burden it imposes. So it is very important to pay more attention to the study of
     Although there were many hypothesis and theories, the mechanism of depression
     remains confusing and has attracted considerable attention.
     in this study we explored the role of neuropeptides CRH, ACTH, GAL and NPY in the
     development of depression using R1A, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybndyzation.
     First, we examined the alteration of the contents of these neuropeptides in plasma of
     depression patients. Then, we established a model of depression rats. Thereafter, we
     investigated the alteration of the contents of these neuropeptides in plasma and different
     brain regions of depression rats and studied the differences of expression of GIRK mRNAs,
     the effector of these neuropeptides, in depression rats and in normal rats. This study would
     clarify the mechanism of participation in depression of neuropeptides and contribute to early
     diagnosis and judgement of prognosis of depression.
     The main results are as follows:
     1. The alteration of contents of neuropeptldes CRH, ACTH, GAL and NPY in
     plasma of depression patients.
     The contents of plasma ACTH markedly increased in moderate and heavy depression
     patients (p     of all the depression patients the contents of GAL obviously nsed and parrelleled with
     degree of depression.
     2. Establlshm nt of exp rim ntal d pressl n mod I
     The d pr ssion model was established by chronic unpredictable mild stress. The animal
    appeared depressiv b havioF, loss of int6rest and anhedonia, which were simiIar to the
    diagnosis StandaFd of clinicaI depression. So it was an ideal depression modeI.
    3.The changes of cont6nta of neuropeptldes in pIasma and dlff6rent brain
    regions Of depression rata.
    (1 ) CRH ln depression rats the cont6nts of CRH obviously increased in the
    hypathalamus and anterior pitUitory a decreased in the hippocampus, parietaI Iobe and
    t6mporal lobe of cerebraI cortex. CRH-positive neurons mainly diStribut6 in the
    hypothalamus. So CRH in ant6rior pituitary came bom hypothaIamus. This suggest6d the
    increase of CRH in ant6rior pituitary of depression ratS was the results of the increase of
    CRH synthesis in hypothalamus. FIuox6tine hydroChIoride had no eff6Ct on the cont6nts Of
    CRH in pIasma, hippacampus, pari6tal Iobe and t6mporal lobe Of cerebral cort6x, but
    decreased the cont6ntS Of CRH in the ant6rior pituitery and increas6d that in the fOrebrain.
    The dfferent changes of CRH in diff6rent brain regions in depression rats and different
    etheCtS Of fluoxehne hydrachloride on the cont8ntS Of CRH in different brain regions indicat6d
    CRH had diff6rent fUnCtions in different brain regions. The mechanism remains obscure.
    (2) ACTH The cont6ntS Of ACTH of depression rats decreas6d more obviousIy in
    hypothalamus than in the hippacampus and pariet8l Iobe of cerebraI cort6x, and f8iled to
    aIt6r in other brain mpions. Aff6r adminiStration Of ffuox8tine hydrochloride the cont6nts of
    ACTH in the hippacampus and pari6taI lobe of cerebraI cort6x of ratS increased. This
    suggeSted hippaca
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