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To study the silage fermentation characteristics and microorganism diversity of different varietiesfrom different areas, choose16corn silage samples belonging to12varieties, including Longyu No.1and Zhongbei410planted in Suihua, Donglingbai and Zhongbei410planted in Hohhot, Jinling27andZhongbei410planted in Linxi, Yayu No.8, Yayu No.26, Jingke516, Zhengdan958and Zhongbei410planted in Hengshui, Yuchu23, Xingchu No.1, ND4, Zhongnongda and Zhongbei410planted inYinchuan. The main results are as follows.
     1. Microorganism amounts of different varieties of corn raw materials vary significantly. On thewhole, amount of aerobic bacteria on silage raw material is the largest, followed by yeasts and molds,with lactic acid bacteria the smallest. Jinling27planted in Linxi has the largest amount of aerobicbacteria, and Xingchu No.1from Yinchuan has the smallest amount of lactic acid bacteria. Amounts oflactic acid bacteria on silage of different areas had increased after ensiling, inhibiting the growth ofspoilage bacteria, with Zhengdan958from Hengshui having the largest amount of lactic acid bacteria.Colon bacillus was undetected in the12varieties. After lactic acid bacteria additives processing,amounts of lactic acid bacteria on the corn silage from Suihua, Linxi, Hohhot and Hengshui were higherthan that in the control group. ND4of cellulase treatment group in Yinchuan had the largest amount oflactic acid bacteria.
     2.93strains of5genus were isolated from the silage. After12hours, pH value of YC35(L.hamnosus), YC58(L.acidophilus), HBL20(L.helveticus), HS153(E.casseliflavus) was4.0, and after36hours, their light absorption was above3.0, all higher than other microflora's growth rate. So theywere more suitable for silage additives than other microflora. And acid-producing ability and growthrate of Lactobacillus were higher than that of Lactoccus. L.brevis,L.plantarum, L.acidophilus arecommon lactic for five refions.
     3. After ensiling, the contents of NDF, ADF and WSC in corn were all decreased. In Yinchuan,NDF and ADF contents of ND4decreased most, and WSC content of Yuchu23decreased most. Whilein Suihua and Linxi, DM content of corn silage decreased significantly.
     4. After adding lactobacillus additives, there were obvious decrease in DM content of10varieties,including2varieties from Suihua and Linxi, Donglingbai of Hohhot, Yayu No.8, Zhongbei410andYayu No.26of Hengshui, Yuchu23and Zhongbei410of Yinchuan. NDF contents of Longyu No.1fromSuihua and Zhongbei410from Linxi decreased obviously. NDF and ADF contents of all varieties fromHengshui and Yinchuan decreased obviously. WSC contents of2varieties from Linxi and Hohhot,Yayu No.8, Zhongbei410, Zhengdan958and Jingke516of Hengshui decreased obviously. Celluloseenzyme additive treatment reduced NDF and CP contents of some areas.
     5. It obviously reduced pH value and acetic acid contents of Zhongbei410from different areas toadd lactobacillus and cellulose enzyme, while obviously increased lactic acid content(P<0.05),improving fermentation quality and nutritional quality of silage. Additives treatment obviously reducedNDF and ADF contents of corn silage(P<0.05), and lactobacillus treatment obviously increased WSC contents of Zhongbei410of Suihua(P<0.05), Yinchuan and Hengshui, with Yinchuan thehighest. Flieg Level of corn silage fermentation quality were excellent in additives group of all areas.
     6. Cluster Analysis of corn silage nutritional quality showed that different samples and differentgrowth environments affect nutritional quality. Nutritional quality of corn silage in Hengshui andSuihua was better for their higher lactic acid contents and lower pH values. Jingke516andZhongnongda from Hengshui had better nutritional quality and fermentation quality, while fermentationquality of ND4from Yinchuan was worse.Correlation analysis showed, precipitation is positivelycorrelated with DM, ammonia nitrogen, WSC content;temperature and pH, NDF, ADF, CP contentpositively correlated;sunshine is positively correlated with NDF, ADF, CP content.;the latitude andlongitude and DM, WSC content positively correlated.
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