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National development zone plays important roles in promoting economic development, Promoting the research and development of technology innovation, Creating employment, cultivating the talent, Assorting of foreign capital, introducing technology, diffusing technology, clustering industrial, expanding exports, Formatting Entrepreneurship and innovating system; To China's economic growth, the development zone has an important contribution and a strategic position; they embodies as followings:The proportion of GDP of the development zone is more and more in the GDP of whole national. Development zone has the higher growth rate in GDP, The proportion of import and export import and export (GDP) of the Development Zone is more and more in the GDP of the Nation; The employment population of the Development Zone is more and more than ever; Development Zone is an effective way with which Chinese enterprises participate in the international competition, etc.The entrepreneurs developing and development zone economic growth are discussed,which has important theory value and practical significance.
     The mechanism of economic growth of the development zone was studied from the the perspective of entrepreneur. Based on the analysis of the entrepreneur human capital and economic growth of development zones, and the integration factors of production and the economic growth of the development zones; the relationship model between the Entrepreneur capital and the economic growth of development zone is established.The interaction relationships among Entrepreneurs, development zones and economic growth are analyzed;Studies have found that as one of the key factors of production,the entrepreneur human capital is the important deciding factors to the economic growth of development zone;As an effective configuration mechanism of production elements,the development zone can promote economic growth; In turn, investment and formation of the entrepreneur's human capital are strengthened;So as to further promote the development of economic growth, there is a causal relationship between them.
     The formation of the entrepreneur human capital of development zone and the constructure of production function structure are studied. Based on the study of the formation environment of the Entrepreneur human capital in the development zones, the formation of the individual entrepreneur human capital and entrepreneur group human capital in the development zone is studied from two aspects of individual entrepreneur and entrepreneur group, respectively; The production function of the development zone containing random decision-making behavior of the entrepreneur is set up; the relationship between entrepreneurs and enterprises cluster growth, and between entrepreneurship and the economic growth of development zone are analyzed.Study found that in the formation of individual entrepreneur human capital in development zone, in addition to education and training, health, migration, learning by doing which is closely related to the practical experience plays an important role; In the formation of entrepreneur group human capital in development zone, the communications and learning among the entrepreneur groups and the flows of the entrepreneur human capital play an important role. It is highly relevant to entrepreneurs density and development zone economic growth, the the way to improve the density of entrepreneurs is to increase the quantity of the entrepreneur, raise the level of entrepreneurs' human capital in the development zone;Entrepreneur group learning and communication,and entrepreneur human capital flows can help improve the entrepreneur density of development zone, promote the innovation level in the development zone, thus promot development zone economic growth.
     The economic effect, concentrating effect, knowledge spillover effect and social effect of the development zone were studied from the perspective of entrepreneur human capital in the paper. From the point of economic effect, research found that the development zone can realize enterprise clusters external economies of scale, reducing transaction cost, stimulate enterprise clusters technical innovation and transformation of theregional advantage of the enterprise clusters;From the agglomeration effect,the development zone can promote the concentration of the production factors, enterprises, talent and market, formation of external scale economy and scope economy;From the point of knowledge spillover effects,based on the intercommunity advantages of the geographical proximity, maintaining trust relationship, and local social and cultural background, enterprises, colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and intermediary institutions conducive to the enterprise knowledge sharing in the enterprise cluster, reducing the member companies innovation cost and risk, improving the innovation efficiency of enterprises in the the enterprise cluster of development zone;From the point of social effect,,the social effect of the development zone shows employment impetus effect, talent training effect, city developmen effectt,system innovation effect and concept innovation effect.
     Finally, based on the studying of the space and time efficiency and the quality of the economic growth of the development zones, the entrepreneurs and development zone economic growth are researched in the empirical analysis; Space efficiency, time efficiency,total factor productivity and the quality of growth of the development zones economic growth were studied in the paper respectively; The development zone production function which is containing the entrepreneurs' human capital is established, and the empirical research is carried on;53national high-tech development zone as an object, the empirical research is carried to find out the quantitative relationship between entrepreneurs' human capital and economic growth of development zones using the panel data model. The research found that entrepreneur human capital level has significant positive influence on the economic growth of the development zone.The countermeasures and suggestions to promote the economic growth of development zone are put forward in the paper.
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