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The root of primary teeth is the hard tissue which can be resorbed under normalcircumstances only, regular absorption is the key to the permanent teeth eruption. Osteoclasts(OC) and odentoclast(OD) play important role in this process,and many factors have beenconfirmed to involve proliferation differentiation、activation of OC/OD.
     CK is a novel member of the papain family of cysteine, which has an character ofproteolytic enzyme,can hydrolyze Collagen typeⅠof bone matrix proteins,and play a majorrole in formation of OC/OD and bone resorption. FGFR1is the receptor of FGF,which cancombine with the relevant ligand,and regulate and control the osteoblast (OB)and OC andbone formation.
     In this research the changes of morphology were watched in the process of replacementof the primary and permanent teeth of the local dog through HE.the changes of the numberof OC/OD and its precursor cells were observe by TRAP.The expression of CK andFGFR1were detected by immunohistochemistry(IHC). The Result Show that the absorptionof primary tooth root is interrupted,contains resting stage and active phase, histomor-phological features was stable at the start, later primary tooth root and alveolar boneabsorption become active and bone remodeling shows lively. the number and distribution ofOC/OD and its precursor cells in active phase of absorption is larger and more extensivethan other groups.
     CK in OC/OD in active phase of absorption show strong positive signals though IHCstains. positive signals is obviously stronger than the stable primary teeth group, earlyresorption of primary tooth group and early permanent teeth. In the process of developmentof permanent teeth, CK in ameloblast、odontoblast、dental follicle display strong positivesignals though IHC stains. Those imply that Ck take part in the primary teeth physiologicalabsorption and permanent teeth eruption though affecting OC/OD、ameloblast、odontoblast、dental follicle.
     FGFR1in OC/OD、OB in active phase of absorption show strong positive signalsthough IHC stains. positive signals is obviously stronger than the stable primary teeth group,early resorption of primary tooth group and early permanent teeth. in the process of development of permanent teeth, FGFR1in ameloblast、odontoblast、dental follicle displaystrong positive signals though IHC stains. Those imply that FGFR1take part in the primaryteeth physiological absorption and permanent teeth eruption though affecting OC/OD、ameloblast、odontoblast、dental follicle. FGFR1regulate and control OC/OD directly andthough OB indirectly.
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