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Core staff is the person who has the technology and skill that the enterprise needed, deals the core business, controls the core resources in the enterprise, has some technology or specialty that can’t be instead of, makes a profound influence for the enterprise’s development and on the key position in the enterprise. With china’s entry into WTO and the rapid process of globalization, it is necessary to adopt the incentive mechanism for employees in order to increase the core competence of enterprises.
     The former researching mostly treats the core staff as the same, and most of them have no pertinence of human resources to manage of core staff, with unfair compensation system, they are no prefect encouragement scheme. All of that made core staff work with no passion, and made the company lost core staff usually, and made the risk of control of human resources increased. These questions were come from manage core staff with no difference. So the paper advice the emphasis of human recourse work is treating core staff with difference that will be good to human resources management practice.
     With incentive mechanism evolutionary process and managerial psychology, the paper analyzed Characteristic property of the core staffs and explained there have different core staffs in company. To ensure the enterprises’competitive advantages, the company must take the different incentive mechanism based different core staffs. Basing on the researching of core staffs and the incentive mechanism, the paper use the theory of Lepark and Snell which divide the employee of company into four category with uniqueness of human capital and value of human capital to redefine the core staff. To analyze the common Characteristic property of the core staffs, the paper made the core staff as five categories as Authority core staff, Relations core staff, Mission core staff, Innovation core staff and Charm core staff. To different core staff, we must take the different incentive mechanism. By Demonstration studies of the core staff in different companies, the paper have carried out verification on the hypothesis of the core staff’s Need arrangement.
     Based on the analyzing of the differentiation of demanding and the differentiation incentive mechanism of core staffs, we made a conclusion, the most incentive to the core staffs is their higher needing. That will be useful for managing core staffs.
2 关于这些激励理论更详细的介绍参见,罗宾斯等《管理学》(第 7 版)(工商管理经典译丛)中国人民出版社,2004 年版。
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