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With the rapid development of information technology, mobile phone communication has been a common means of contact and enterprise messaging applications have also become the trend. However, as the enterprise messaging applications become more complex and diversified, they begin to require the following processes by mobile originated messaging:
     (1) Modify or insert data in the database
     (2) Have the access to the database
     (3) Implement message transmitting and packet transmitting
     (4) Implement timing messaging
     In this situation, the original SMS in mobile originated service will become inadequate in many aspects of humanization, unable to let users to fulfill the complex business. In order to solve the problem, we design and develop an enterprise-oriented mobile information service platform by analyzing the real need of enterprises. The platform supports not only SMS, but also USSD short massage interface, and the area where registered could use this USSD service. Moreover, for other general users, we developed a similar service-menu mobile information service via GPRS. On this platform, you can grasp of the company information and start business easily with the low-cost wherever you are.
     The research of this paper is the enterprise-oriented mobile information service platform, which mainly include three parts as follows:
     (1) The overall design of the platform. Design the overall frame of the platform and modules it. Decide related technology and methods of implementation of every module.
     (2) The implementation MO (mobile originate)/MT (mobile terminate) of the message. It includes SMS common message service, USSD short-message service and GPRS data information. It implements SMS short-message interface, USSD short-message interface and GRPS link way. Users can accomplish MO message by any of the three mentioned above and get the MT message in the same way. The GPRS connectivity includes a client on the mobile phone and a server part on the server. The server and the client connect by HTTP protocol or Socket.
     (3) The design and implementation of the background data processing. It includes data receiving part and database processing part. The first part is used to receive data from mobile phone and save it to the database, then get the result and send back. The second part implements analyzing and processing of data by stored procedures and generates returning message.
     The platform has a high utility value and completely carries out it design focusing on the special need of enterprises for short-message service. Moreover, it has a good expansibility which only modifies part of its code to meet the need of different enterprise. Now the platform has been in use in DONGXIN XXX LTD. and shows a great advantage in validity and reliability.
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