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Cr-doped AlN is a high curie temperature diluted magnetic material as predicted by theoretical studies. Systematical experimental studies on the structure and magnetism of Cr-doped AlN are helpful to find the origination of ferromagnetism of diluted magnetic materials, as well as to master the way to control their magnetic properties. In this paper, Cr-doped AlN films are prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The effects of preparation parameters, such as dopant concentration, ferroelectric substrates, substrate negative bias and C co-doping, are systematically studied. Additionally, [TiN/Cr:AlN] multilayers are prepared too. As the period of [TiN/Cr:AlN] multilayers changes, the variation of the structure and magnetism is studied.
     As the results show,
     Ⅰ. Cr-doped AlN films with content of Cr lower than 11.5atom% are prepared. The elaborate characterizations such XRD and XANES and so on show that the single layer Cr-doped AlN forms uniform solid solution with wurtzite structure, while the Cr-doped AlN in small period [TiN/Cr:AlN] multilayers forms solid solution with rocksalt structure. Dopant Cr dissolves into AlN matrix and substitutes Al with trivalance. No second phase precipitates.
     Ⅱ. Room temperature (RT) ferromagnetism is observed in all the samples. It is ascribed to the Al-Cr-N solid solution but not the magnetic second phase. As to the films on Si substrate, the average atomic magnetic moment decreases from 0.23μB/ Cr to 0.03μB/ Cr when the dopant concentration increases from 2.3atom% to 7.7atom%. As to the films on LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 substrates, it is found that as the angle between the c-axis of film and c-axis of substrate decreases, the average atomic magnetic moment of Cr-doped AlN increases from 0.01μB/ Cr to 0.20μB/ Cr. This phenomenon is associated with the scattering of BMP by the internal polarization field of AlN matrix.
     Ⅲ.Substrate negative bias leads in the increasing of the magnetism of Cr-doped AlN on Si substrate from 0.07μB/ Cr to 0.18μB/ Cr, while C co-doping leads in the increasing of the magnetism from 0.10μB/ Cr to 0.42μB/ Cr. According to the analysis, the increasing of magnetism is ascribed to the increment of boundary dangling-bond defects in the former case, and ascribed to the introduction of C impurity defects in the latter case.
     Ⅳ.When the single layer of Cr-doped AlN in the multilayers is thinner than 2nm, a phase transition from wurtzite structure to rocksalt structure happens. The new phase is RT ferromagnetic too. It’s more susceptive to external magnetic field and has larger residual magnetization.
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