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With the rapid development of social production, mass conflict and grouplitigation in response to mass conflict have become the new challenges facedby national laws, different from the traditional civil disputes, grouplitigation often involve the proliferation interests, or collective interests,which have a large number of people with the same or similar demands, and thusa greater impact, and also more complexity.
     In recent decades, Swedish group litigation system has been highly focusedon, Sweden is the first European country which enacted Group Proceedings Act.This procedure act implemented in January1,2003as European country majorbreakthrough in the group litigation. The Act has the diversity and pragmaticfeatures critically acclaimed.
     It can be said that the group litigation legislation in Sweden is the effortof western developed countries’group dispute resolution mechanism, and thelegislative and judicial practice also had a greater impact worldwide. TheNordic countries all have developed a national system of group litigation inSweden model. In recent yeas Sweden's legislation and practice have alsobecome the focus of discussion when forum held in collectivedisputes resolved within Europe. In addition to the Introduction, this articleis divided into five chapters, the main contents are as follow:
     The first chapter is the development stage of group litigation; thedevelopment stage of group litigation in the European countries; and the diversegroup litigation mechanism development stage in the nineties of the last century.In the third stage, much attention has been given to the Swedish experience,Sweden Group Proceedings Act was formally implemented in2003, but in theSwedish market courts and labour courts group litigation has already existedwithout objection for many years. These provide the basis for Sweden GroupProceedings Act. Sweden Procedure Code was enacted in1948, then after numerous amend still hard to meet the development needs of Swedish society, the problemof people access to justice has aroused widespread.As other countries, Swedenis also very concerned about the class action and other forms of group litigation,and deemed the group litigation is one of the necessary measures to help peopleaccess to justice. In this context, the introduction of class action orsimilar reform measures have been recommended,which ultimately led tothe Group Proceedings Act promulgated and implemented.
     The second chapter is the main contents and characteristics of the SwedenGroup Proceedings Act. The Act consists of four parts of50articles. The firstpart is the“general”, which made a definition of the concept of group litigation,the type of the group litigation, and trial procedures. The second part is the“how a group litigation is instituted”, which including the provisions of theright to file a group action, elements of the special prerequisite to initiategroup litigation, the definition and status of the group members. The third partis the “follow-up procedures”, which include the content of theplaintiff's responsibility, the replacement of the plaintiff, the expansion ofthe group litigation. The fourth part is the “special provisions on litigationcosts”. It is noteworthy that the content of the Sweden Group Proceedings Actis only the proceedings of the special procedural requirements, thegroup litigation of civil cases heard by the judicial process requiresapplication of the rules of the Sweden Procedure Code, unless otherwise providedin Group Proceedings Act. In addition, the Group Proceedings Act is not limitedto apply to certain areas of civil law, any litigation involving individuallegal disputes can be filed in the ordinary courts can filed as a group action.
     The third chapter describes the major factor of the Sweden Group ProceedingsAct and its theoretical basis. Sweden's system of civil procedure does not createa precedent for a system building, these is no drastic judicial reform.But closeto the reality of conservative judicial tradition also makes the development of Swedish civil procedure can always hold the pulse of society, to keep up withthe needs of the community. Therefore, when most European countries entangledin the mass relief program for the impact of the national economy, Sweden hasenacted Group Proceedings Act. After all, the essence of the Swedish welfarestate must be committed to access to justice, and in the era of Europeanintegration, the EU response to the development of the theory of grouplitigation for damages has also led to the Swedish justice exploration in thisfield. At the same time, the realism legal theory of Sweden, as well as thetheory of access to justice in mass claims have a positive impact to build thegroup litigation system.
     The forth chapter is the Swedish group litigation practice and developmenttrends. Until November2008, the Sweden Group Proceedings Actimplemented for the six years, the ordinary courts in Sweden (not including thespecial courts) have filed12group actions. By virtue only a few years ofjudicial practice is still difficult for people to make a comprehensive andobjective evaluation, but at least one thing is certain, that is, people worriedabout of legal extortion and litigation wave before the situation does not appear.The Swedish government decided in five years after the implementation of theAct to assess the Act and determine the future reform and development programs.
     The fifth chapter is the revelation of the Swedish group litigation systemto us. Mass dispute resolution involves not only the design of the legal system,which depends more on a country's economic and social development, politicalsystem, the judicial authority and functions of the legal profession, as wellas the variety of cultural, only master of these factors in can be possible tofind the ways which suit to their actual conditions. The background and legalculture of the Sweden Group Proceedings Act have a large difference from ourcountry, I do not consent the simple migration of the Swedish legislation, butI believe that the Swedish group litigation legislation has a reference value to us both in the methodological sense and some specific system.
    10Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p12.
    11Geraint Howells,“Litigation in the Consumer Interest,ILSA Journal of International&Comparative Law”,Fall,2002.
    12Christopher Hodges,“What Are People Trying to Do in Resolving Mass Issues?”, The American Academy of Politicaland Social Science, March,2009.
    13Christopher Hodges,“What Are People Trying to Do in Resolving Mass Issues?”,The American Academy of Politicaland Social Science, March,2009.
    14Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p8.
    15Christopher Hodges,“What Are People Trying to Do in Resolving Mass Issues?”,The American Academy of Political andSocial Science, March,2009.
    17Country Survery of Collective Redress Mechanisms, http://www.groupaction4consumers.eu/,访问日期:2011年6月12日。
    18Louis Degos and Geoffrey V. Morson,“The reforms of class action laws in Europe”, Los Angeles Lawyer November2006.
    19Laurel J. Harbour,“The Emerging European Class Action: Expanding Multi-Party Litigation To A Shrinking World”,2006ABA Annual Meeting, Section of Litigation, August3-6,2006.
    20Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p10.
    27有学者认为英国的群体诉讼可以分为两类:一是代表诉讼(representative proceedings);二是集体诉讼(grouplitigation)。(具体参见徐昕:《英国民事诉讼与民事司法改革》,北京:中国政法大学出版社2002年版,第87页。)但是,笔者认为英国的集体诉讼与代表人诉讼的本质是一致的,仅是为了诉讼经济,加强了法院的案件管理。集体诉讼是英国司法改革背景下,法院职权管理的产物。
    34Laurel J. Harbour,“The Emerging European Class Action: Expanding Multi-Party Litigation To A Shrinking World”,2006ABA Annual Meeting, Section of Litigation, August3-6,2006.
    45Geraint Howells,“Litigation in the Consumer Interest”, ILSA Journal of International&Comparative Law, Fall,2002.
    46Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: Hart Publishing,2008,p14.
    48Geraint Howells,“Litigation in the Consumer Interest”, ILSA Journal of International&Comparative Law, Fall,2002.
    49Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,p38.
    53Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,P36
    54Thomas D. Rowe,“Debates Over Group Litigation in Comparative Perspective: What Can We Learn From EachOther?”,Duke Journal of International&Comparative Law,2001Vol:11.
    55Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:Hart Publishing,2008,P37.
    56Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,P37.
    58John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review:Cambridge University Press,p234.
    59John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review:Cambridge University Press,p239.
    60Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    61Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.621957年在罗马签订的《建立欧洲经济共同体条约》提出:“通过本条约,缔约各方在它们之间建立一个欧洲经济共同体。”其目标是:“通过共同市场的建立和各成员国经济政策的逐步接近,在整个共同体内促进经济活动的和谐发展,不断的均衡的扩展,日益增长的稳定,生活水平加速提高以及各成员国间越来越密切的关系。”根据该条约的第177条所有欧盟国家的法院,在依照欧共体法律判决案件时应当考虑到它们负有促进欧洲融合、建立同一市场的职责。
    63John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review:Cambridge University Press,p236.
    64Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    66Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”, Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    72Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    74Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    76Reinhold Fahlbeck,“The Role of Neutrals in the Resolution of Interest Disputes in Sweden”, Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal, Spring,1989.
    77Reinhold Fahlbeck,“The Role of Neutrals in the Resolution of Interest Disputes in Sweden”, Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal, Spring,1989.
    79Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    80Consumer Policy in Sweden, http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/reports/.访问日期:2011年6月26日。
    84Donald B.King,“Consumer Protection Experiments in Sweden”,p.18.转引林益山:“瑞典消费者保护法之研究”,《中兴法学》,1989年,第69页。
    85Swedish Consumer Policy,http://www.swednet.net/embassy/emb03d3.html.访问日期,2011年7月3日。
    87Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    88Per Henrik Lindblom,“Individual Litigation and Mass Justice: A Swedish Perspective and Proposal on Group Actions inCivil Procedure”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Fall,1997.
    89Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposa”l, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    91Per Henrik Lindblom,“Lagen om gruppr tteg ng–bakgrund och framtid.”
    92Per Henrik Lindblom,“Lagen om gruppr tteg ng–bakgrund och framtid.”
    95Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    96Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    97Per Henrik Lindblom,Group “Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    98Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    99Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    100Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    101Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    102Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:Hart Publishing,2008.
    103Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    104John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review:Cambridge University Press,p234.
    105Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal System:HartPublishing,2008,p104.
    106Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,p105.
    107Marianne Abyhammar,“The Swedish Group Proceedings Act and other means for collective disputeresolution”,Intervention at workshop on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Vienna, February2006.
    109Marianne Abyhammar,“The Swedish Group Proceedings Act and other means for collective disputeresolution”,Intervention at workshop on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Vienna, February2006.
    110近年来在欧洲范围内举行的有关集体性纠纷解决的会议,如2007年11月9日至10日葡萄牙总统主持的里斯本会议以及在2007年12月12日至14于牛津举行了国际会议中,瑞典代表都在会上介绍了“瑞典经验”。The InternationalComparative Legal Guide to: Class and Group Actions2009,http://www.sweden.gov.se.访问日期2011年7月16日。
    112Klaus Viitanen,“Group Litigation In Finland”,The Annals of The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    119Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    120Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    122Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”,Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    125Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    127“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    128“Group proceedings”,Ministry of Justice, Sweden, http://www.regeringen.se/,访问日期2011年7月14日。
    131“Group proceedings”,Ministry of Justice, Sweden, http://www.regeringen.se/,访问日期2011年7月14日。
    133“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    136Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    137Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    138Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p78.
    140Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    146Michele Taruffo,“Some Remarks on Group Litigation in Compartive Perspective”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law, Spring/Summer,2001.
    147“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    150Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    152Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    154John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review: Cambridge University Press,p243.
    159Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    161Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”, Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    162Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    163Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    164Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    167Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,p126.
    168Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,p127.
    170John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review: Cambridge University Press,p231.
    174Per Henrik Lindblom,“Individual Litigation and Mass Justice: A Swedish Perspective and Proposal on Group Actions inCivil Procedure”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Fall,1997.
    182John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review: Cambridge University Press,p254.
    184John Bell, Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review:Cambridge University Press,p261.
    185Christopher Hodges,“What Are People Trying to Do in Resolving Mass Issues?”, The American Academy of Politicaland Social Science, March,2009.
    186Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    187Wouter P. Wils,“Should Private Antitrust Enforcement be Encouraged in Europe?”, World Competition,2003.
    194Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p214.
    197Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    198Elizabeth Chamblee Burch,“Litigating Groups”,Alabama Law Review,2009,61Ala. L. Rev.1.
    203Elizabeth Chamblee Burch,“Litigating Groups”,Alabama Law Review,2009,61Ala. L. Rev.1
    204Elizabeth Chamblee Burch,“Litigating Groups”,Alabama Law Review,2009,61Ala. L. Rev.1
    205Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    206Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    207Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    208Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    209Roberth Nordh,“Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need for Reforms, and aForthcoming Proposal”, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    211John Bell:“Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review”,Cambridge University Press,p258.
    213Per Henrik Lindblom,“Individual Litigation and Mass Justice: A Swedish Perspective and Proposal on Group Actions inCivil Procedure”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Fall,1997.
    214Per Henrik Lindblom,“Individual Litigation and Mass Justice: A Swedish Perspective and Proposal on Group Actions inCivil Procedure”, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Fall,1997.
    218Richard Marcory,“Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform,Regulation Compliance Code”,http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/.访问日期:2011年9月17日。
    219Richard Marcory,“Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform,Regulation Compliance Code”,http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/.访问日期:2011年9月17日。
    220Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p114.
    221Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,p203.
    222欧洲2007年监察专员报告提到有超过35%的调查是以达成和解协议作为问题的解决方式。具体内容参见Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p157.
    223Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p174.
    224Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    226Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    232Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    233Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”, Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    234Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    235Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”, Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    237Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”, Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    239Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to the conference”,Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe, arranged by ERA and the Faculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    241Christopher Hodges, The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems: HartPublishing,2008,p221.
    243Evaluation of the Group Proceeding Act-Summary in English, http: http://www.sweden.gov.se.访问日期2010年8月24日。
    245Samuel Issacharoff and Geoffrey P. Mille,“Will Aggregate Litigation Come to Europe?”, Vanderbilt Law Review,January,2009.
    246“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    247“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    248Evaluation of the Group Proceeding Act-Summary in English, http: http://www.sweden.gov.se.访问日期2010年8月24日。
    249“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    250“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    251“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    252“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”, Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    256“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    257“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    258“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    259Marianne Abyhammar,“The Swedish Group Proceedings Act and other means for collective disputeresolution”,Intervention at workshop on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Vienna February2006.
    261“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    262“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    264“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    265Evaluation of the Group Proceeding Act-Summary in English, http: http://www.sweden.gov.se.访问日期2010年8月24。
    266Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”,Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    268“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    269“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”, Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    270“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”, Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    271Samuel Issacharoff and Geoffrey P. Mille,“Will Aggregate Litigation Come to Europe?”, Vanderbilt LawReview,January,2009.
    272“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”, Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    273Per Henrik Lindblom,“Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden”, The American Academy of Political and SocialScience, March,2009.
    274“Utv rdering av lagen om gruppr tteg ng”,Justitiedepartementet,2008.
    306Per Henrik Lindblom,“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”, Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    309Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,p242.
    311Christopher Hodges,The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems:HartPublishing,2008,p149.
    89. Christopher Hodges: The Reform of Class and Representative Action in European Legal Systems, HartPublishing,2008.90Geraint Howells:Litigation in the Consumer Interest,ILSA Journal of International&ComparativeLaw,Fall,2002.
    91.Christopher Hodges: What Are People Trying to Do in Resolving Mass Issues? The American Academyof Political and Social Science, March,2009.
    92.Louis Degos and Geoffrey V. Morson: The reforms of class action laws in Europe, Los Angeles LawyerNovember2006.
    93.Laurel J. Harbour:The Emerging European Class Action: Expanding Multi-Party Litigation To AShrinking World2006ABA Annual Meeting, Section of Litigation, August3-6,2006.
    94.Geraint Howells: Litigation in the Consumer Interest, ILSA Journal of International&Comparative Law,Fall,2002.
    95.Thomas D. Rowe: Debates Over Group Litigation in Comparative Perspective: What Can We LearnFrom Each Other? Duke Journal of International&Comparative Law,2001Vol:11.
    96.John Bell:“Judiciaries within Europe—A Comparative Review”,Cambridge University Press.
    97.Per Henrik Lindblom:“National Report: Group Litigation in Sweden”, Oxford Conference, December,2007.
    98.Roberth Nordh: Group Actions in Sweden: Reflections on the Purpose of Civil Litigation, the Need forReforms, and a Forthcoming Proposal, Duke Journal of Comparative&International Law,Vol:11.
    99.Per Henrik Lindblom: Group Litigation in Northern Europe: Sweden, The American Academy ofPolitical and Social Science, March,2009.
    100.Reinhold Fahlbeck: The Role of Neutrals in the Resolution of Interest Disputes in Sweden,Comparative Labor Law&Policy Journal, Spring,1989.
    101.Per Henrik Lindblom: Individual Litigation and Mass Justice: A Swedish Perspective and Proposal onGroup Actions in Civil Procedure, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Fall,1997.
    102.Per Henrik Lindblom:Group Litigation in Scandinavia, the authors report to theconference”Collective Redress–Towards a System of Class Actions in Europe”, arranged by ERA and theFaculty of Law in Firenze, October2008.
    103.Marianne Abyhammar: The Swedish Group Proceedings Act and other means for collective disputeresolution,Intervention at workshop on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Vienna February2006.
    104.Klaus Viitanen: Group Litigation In Finland, The Annals of The American Academy ofPolitical and Social Science, March,2009.
    105.Per Henrik Lindblom: Individual Litigation and Mass Justice: A Swedish Perspective and Proposal onGroup Actions in Civil Procedure, The American Journal of Comparative Law, Fall,1997.
    106.Wouter P. Wils: Should Private Antitrust Enforcement be Encouraged in Europe? WorldCompetition,2003.
    107.Elizabeth Chamblee Burch:Litigating Groups,Alabama Law Review,2009,61Ala. L. Rev.1
    108.Samuel Issacharoff and Geoffrey P. Mille:Will Aggregate Litigation Come to Europe? VanderbiltLaw Review,January,2009.
    109.Michele Taruffo:Some Remarks on Group Litigation in Comparative Perspective,Duke Journal ofComparative&International Law,Spring/Summer,2001.
    101. Jonathan D. Glater: Access to Justice: The Economics of Civil Justice: A Broad View of Access,Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review,August,2006.
    102. Deborah R. Henslr: The Globalization of Class Actions: An Overview, The Annals of TheAmerican Academy of Political and Social Science,March,2009.
    103.Country survery of Collective Redress Mechanisms, http://www.groupaction4consumers.eu/.
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