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Public emergencies management is an open and complex huge system, which is in the surrounding of natural, ecological, economy, society, and culture. Presently, research on public emergencies management can be divided into two aspects. On the aspect of macroscopic, the key research point is management system and mechanism. From the mechanism of emergency, scholars pay much more attention on how to build unified and highly-efficient emergency management system. On the aspect of microscopic, aiming at different event characteristics, experts pay more attention to the practices problems, such as preparedness organization, resource building, human evacuation, on-line assistant decision-making support, and so on. From technology aspects, realize information resources effective integration in the process of disposal emergency decision, and cooperate of each department for the better reply to emergencies.
     Based on above two aspects, scholars have done more research on emergency management. However, it is no matter macroscopic research of management mechanism, or microscopic research of technology aspects, which exists these or those problems. Firstly, two kinds of research have some limitation. They research on certain emergencies, lacking of system construction and illustration from the view of ontology. Secondly, systemic research of emergencies occurrence, development, and evolution mechanism is still deficient.
     Aiming at aforesaid problems, related field theory research is referenced here. Combing relative practice work during assiduously study doctor degree, this paper subdivided the public emergencies, put forward meta-event model, and analyzed the relationship among meta-events. Then, present the process construction of meta-event and disposal flow. Based on context and CBR theories, context analysis and context matching have been conducted, which can judge event development trends and assist decision analyzing. Furthermore, from the angle of dissipation and evolution, the evolution of single public emergencies has been analyzed. By analyzing elements of emergency and extracting key factors, this paper built state equation from the angle of chaos theory, which includes disaster-caused strength, surrounding factors, and emergency management level. And then, coal mines emergent accidents as experiment data, discussed and analyzed the parameter variations, validated the evolution of public emergencies. This paper has mainly done following research:
     (1) According to all kinds of public emergencies, analyzed the construction of public attributes, extracted common attributes, adopted OWL ontology description language to construct based on ontology. Furthermore, subdivided and organized public emergency according with meta-event, studied the development and evolution of meta-event, and built meta-event model. It can help decision-maker build disposal schema rapidly according to meta-event model of history cases. Finally, gave an example to validate and illustrate.
     (2) According to analyze public emergencies occurrence and coping process, combing with context theory, discussed disposal process of public emergency based on context, put forward to construct the process of meta-event, and presented public emergencies disposal process based on meta-event model. Combining with the method of CBR, discussed the reasoning disposal procedure, and gave an actual example to analyze and validate.
     (3) Combing with the theory of dissipation and system dynamics, analyzed the development and evolution process from the view of dissipative structure. Then, from this three dimensions, that is, disaster-caused strength, surrounding factors, and emergency management level, constructed three-dimensional equation of state. Furthermore, solved the eigenvalue, analyzed the balance point characteristics of event system and interaction of three dimensions, discussed development and changes of public emergencies. Finally, gave an example of coal mine accident data. By building system dynamics model of event evolution, it deepens understanding of decision-makers to public emergencies from the view of event system internal characteristics, and strengthening response abilities.
     By theory analysis, refining, and abstract, this paper got above results based on practice, and it has some universality and generality. Based on the results of this study, it has been applied to more emergency system construction, and achieved perfect results.
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