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Rural land consolidation is not only an important means of achieving total dynamic balance of cultivated land, guarantee food and ecological security, also the internal demand of changing land use pattern, developing urban-rural integration, and building a new socialist countryside. The short supply of rural land consolidation funds bring about interest contradictions between stakeholders in the process of rural land consolidation. If interest contradictions are not handled properly, those will not only affect the progress of implementation, the construction quality, the function, the funds' allocation efficiency of rural land consolidation projects, but also affect the relationship between Party and the masses and social stability. Therefore, study the mechanism of interest coordinations in the process of rural land consolidation has great significance in theory and practice. Based on the analysis of stakeholders and interest demands, the paper reveals the present interest contradictions and causes in the process of rural land consolidation, and analyses the internal mechanism of interest coordination in each stage of rural land consolidation projects, and creates interest coordination mechanism in each stage of rural land consolidation projects, and finally puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations.
     This article is divided into nine chapters, and the structure and the main conclusions are as follows:
     The first chapter introduces the research background and significance, and summarizes the existing literature and makes a literature review. On the basis of this, the research content, ideas, structure, and methods, as well as research areas are proposed. Finally, the innovations of this paper are summarized.
     The second chapter analyses stakeholders and interest demands in the process of rural land consolidation. The stakeholder theory is used to analyse stakeholders, core stakeholders and their interest demands in project approval, planning, construction, and final management and maintenance stage of rural land consolidation projects.
     The third chapter analyses interest contradictions and causes in the process of rural land consolidation. On the basis of the analysis of stakeholders and interest demands in the process of rural land consolidation, the chapter reveals the interest contradictions and causes in each stage of rural land consolidation projects.(1) Project approval stage. At present, the decision-making evaluation of rural land consolidation project is leading by government, not fully considers the farmers' urgency for rural land consolidation project and rural land consolidation area's comprehensive improvement potential. In the case of shortage of funds for rural land consolidation, interest contradictions in approval stage lead to the result:areas where farmers' with high degree urgency to rural land consolidation projects haven't the priority to bring into rural land consolidation scope, while areas where farmers' with low degree urgency to rural land consolidation projects have the priority to bring into rural land consolidation scope, which give the result that limited rural land consolidation funds this a public resources doesn't play a greater role, the efficiency of resource allocation is loss.(2) Planning stage. At present, the planning evaluation of rural land consolidation project is leading by government, the mechanism of farmers' participate in the planning evaluation is not perfect, farmers' discourse right and decision-making right in the process of planning don't fully be realized. In this case, the interest contradictions in planning stage will lead to the result:planning is not reasonable to which farmers' have great views.(3) Constrcution stage.1) For farmers in rural land consolidation areas are excluded from construction quality supervision, so social supervision loss its validity. Because of contractor with the target of maximize profit seeking, contractor's illegal behavior seems certain in case professional supervision is not conscientious in the performance of its duties or both of them are all in collusion, interest contradictions in construction stage will lead to the result:project is generally of poor quality, which seriously weaken the performance of rural land consolidation project.2) The scope of rural land consolidation project's compensation for farmers' interest loss is not accurate, compensation procedure is not perfect, compensation payment short of supervision, and the standard of compensation is unreasonable. In this case, the interest contradictions will lead to the result: the farmers' interest loss did not receive reasonable compensation, the implementation of rural land consolidation project arouse discontent of local farmers.(4) Final management and maintenance stage. The engineering facilities of rural land consolidation project are public goods, so the main providers are lack of initiative; and final management and maintenance fund is shortage, which directly affect the implementation of management measures. In this case, the interest contradictions lead to the result:engineering facilities are lack of management and maintenance, which seriously affect the function of rural land consolidation projects.
     The fourth chapter analyses project approval stage interest coordination mechanism. The paper analyses core stakeholders' behaviors, and establishes the interest coordination mechanism of project approval stage in rural land consolidation project. The main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, farmers' urgency for rural land consolidation project influences investment performance of project. The poor condition of agricultural infrastructure resistance against natural disasters, the backwarder agricultural production conditions, the more potential land productivity areas where farmers have higher degree urgency for rural land consolidation project, which have better investment performance. Secondly, From three aspects that the condition of agricultural infrastructure resistance against natural disasters, the agricultural production conditions, the potential of land productivity areas to examine the degree of farmers' urgency, on which so as to built project priority evaluation system based is practical. Thirdly, creating project approval stage interest coordination mechanism should built project priority evaluation system based on the degree of farmers' urgency, which can defuse interest contradictions, greatly improve allocative efficiency. Fourthly, the formation of investigation report on farmers' urgency for rural land consolidation project, and the perfection of the current decision-making evaluation procedure are the main works to achieve the goal.
     The fifth chapter analyses planning stage interest coordination mechanism.The paper analyses core stakeholders' behaviors, and the interest coordination mechanism of planning stage in rural land consolidation project. The main conclusions are as follows: Firstly, cooperative game model is used to analyse government encourage and farmers participate in rural land consolidation planning that is Pareto optimal choices, which can ensure the scientific rationality of planning. Secondly, to analyze the factors which influence farmers' willingness to participate can enhance the scientific rationality of planning. Thirdly, creating planning stage interest coordination mechanism should encourage farmers' participate in planning, which can defuse interest contradictions, improve the scientific rationality of planning. Fourthly, the compilation of investigation report on farmers' suggestions in planning, and the perfection of the current planning evaluation procedure are the main works to achieve the goal.
     The sixth chapter analyses project quality of construction stage interest coordination mechanism.The paper analyses core stakeholders' behaviors, and the interest coordination mechanism of project quality of construction stage in rural land consolidation project. The main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, professional supervision can curb the contractor's illegal behaviors, but when the violation cost low and profits high, professional supervision contractor's illegal behavior seems certain in case professional supervision not performs its duties or both of them are all in collusion. Farmers in rural land consolidation areas participate in supervision are reasonable in theory and in reality, which can restrain professional supervision from being in collusion with contractor, and can improve quality of rural land consolidation project. Secondly, Farmers in rural land consolidation area participate in supervision are reasonable in theory and in reality, which can restrain professional supervision from being in collusion with contractor, and can improve quality of rural land consolidation project. Thirdly, creating project quality of construction stage interest coordination mechanism should empower supervision rights to farmers, which can defuse interest contradictions, and improve the quality of rural land consolidation projects. Fourthly, empowering supervision rights to farmers, and perfecting the current construciton evaluation procedure are the main works to achieve the goal.
     The seventh chapter analyses loss compensation of construction stage interest coordination mechanism.The paper analyses core stakeholders' behaviors, and the interest coordination mechanism of loss compensation of construction stage in rural land consolidation project. The main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, farmers have economic loss and subjective loss, and endowment effect is the cause of the difference between farmers' subjective loss and the potential market value. Secondly, to compensate the interest loss of farmers should consider farmers' endowment effect, giving special protect to farmers' property of different nature based on the power degree of endowment effect. Thirdly, creating loss compensation of construction stage interest coordination mechanism should consider farmers' endowment effect, giving special protect to farmers' property of different nature based on the power degree of endowment effect, which can defuse interest contradictions, give reasonable compensation to farmers' interest loss. Fourthly, perfecting the current loss compensation policy in rural land consolidation projects, making different strategies to farmers' property of different nature based on the power degree of endowment effect, enhancing the farmers' loss compensation funds are the main works to achieve the goal.
     The eighth chapter analyses final management and maintenance stage interest coordination mechanism.The paper analyses core stakeholders' behaviors, and the interest coordination mechanism of final management and maintenance stage in rural land consolidation project. The main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, the reason for farmers to invest is the perception of transaction utility. Secondly, the optimization investment proportion of fund sources are farmers pay reference price, the difference between the price paid and the reference price should be provided by other investment subjects, so as to let farmers' percept transaction utility, encourage farmers' investment. Thirdly, creating final management and maintenance stage interest coordination mechanism should consider farmers' investment based on transaction utility, which can defuse interest contradictions, enhance the sustainable use of utility facility. Fourthly, the optimization investment proportion of fund sources should be established based on transaction utility theory especially the farmers' invest, and establishment of the later maintenance fund use and supervision system are the main works to achieve the goal.
     The ninth chapter is the research conclusion. Firstly, this article summarizes the conclusions of theoretical and empirical analyses. Secondly, based on the conclusions, it makes following policy recommendations, which provide policy basis for defusing interest contradictions in the process of rural land consolidation. Last but not the least, it analyzes the shortage of the paper.
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