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With the development of information technology and the growing popularity of Internet, the network has become the main channel for general public people to get the information, as well as an important platform for expression of public opinion. At the face of rapid growth of news information and people's comments on the Internet, how can we get the information which meets the specific needs from the mass information? How to organize Internet information into an effective machine data? How to distinguish the useful information and useless information from the collected data? All these problems are difficult at the process of the development of information technology. Public opinion is the sum of political beliefs, attitudes, opinions and emotions about the government administration, as well as the variety of phenomena in the real world which are expressed by general people through the Internet. The Internet public opinion and the social public opinion are interaction and affect each other. The Internet public opinion and the social public opinion has a consistent on the content, The Internet public opinion to a certain extent, will affect the community development trends of social public opinion, and will have a huge impact on the community. Therefore, the Government needs to have some information on the network to monitor public opinion, and the ability to grasp a hot issue which the general people concern on the certain period of time, understand the attitudes and views of hot events in order to make the right decisions, and take the initiative to guide public opinion towards.
     Based on the analysis of the discovery on public opinion hotspot information and the research on tendency analysis of public opinion, this paper designs a detailed collection process from the source of public opinion. For the hot information which is concerned by the general public and government departments, this paper has established criteria for judging hot information according to the concept and characteristics of hot spots, and quantitative characteristics of hot information to build mathematical model, using algorithms to describe the discovery and access of hot spot information. To the tendency analysis of hot information, first of all this paper hand-built the polarity dictionary, and the polarity dictionary was expanded and amended, then have the further analysis on the no-logged vocabulary, the negative words and stressed words to the impact of the polarity on the original word, and give the solutions. This paper uses vectors to carry out the ordinary text messages, and selects the characteristics words of the text by calculating the weights. As the Chinese sentence is divided by punctuation, this paper carried a sentence parsing, parsed out the dependencies between words, and tagged the part of speech. This paper built the semantics template, and determined the sentence semantic model through the matching to semantic template, calculated the polarity value of the words using the polarity dictionary, got its context polarity by combining with syntactic analysis and pattern matching, the tendency of sentence is determined by the composition of the sentence and the polarity value of the words, the tendency of the text is calculated by the tendency of sentence and the weight of the sentence in the whole text. Finally, this paper made simulation experiments about the research work, discussed and analyzed the experimental results.
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