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The production of aerated concrete batching process includes four links ,material proportioning grinding, pulping, pouring and autoclaved conservation. All these sectors link cosely and influence each other . Any problems in these links will affect the production process and the performance of the the final product.Especially the grinding and pulping processes are the key links in the whole production process which directly impact on the product quality and the pass rate of the final product. Therefore it is very necessary to improve the process automation degree and optimal the control process for these two links .By doing these things ,we can improve the product quality and the material utilization ratio,and realize reducing the energy consumption and decreasing the secondary environmental pollution.
     The accurate measment of the material proportioning process is one of the difficult task in aerated concrete production process.In this paper ,we aim at commonly existing problem ,the inaccurate measurement and the ratio of materials can not meet the requirements in aerated concrete ingredient process, combined with its technology characteristics, proposed a double closed-loop control system to achieve the ratio of the two kinds of materials :lime and gypsum .Using the control method of fuzzy logic control to tune the PID parameters and achieving on-line tuning PID parameters in the ingredient mixing process. The fuzzy logic controller adopts double inputs and three outputs patterns. This algorithm formulate the fuzzy adjust rules by identifying the fuzzy relationship between the three parameters, Kp, Ki, Kd and its’error e and error change rate ec to meet the different quirements of error e and error change rate ec rate .Letting the controller system to satisefied the changed control object . By using this mean, the system’s responsing speed and the ability of reducing overshot is improved greatly than the conventional PID .Testing result show that the system can adjust the PID parameters online accurately and timely .Thus can adjust the material proportion and improve the cementing material quality.
     The main material of Aerated Concrete is the abandoned emissions of the coal-fired power plant . Therefore, the production of aerated concrete is a kind of recycling economy by using the waste emissions .However , as the raw materials needed for the production of aerated concrete are mostly power materials ,such as coal ash, bulk cement, gypsum powder and lime powder, etc. The handling amout of these materials are largely in the production process .And also there are so many transport links in the product process .So the process will emission the power dust into the atmosphere . Although it can realize taking use of the fly ash ,the emissions of power plant and achieve recycling purpose, it resulted the secondary pollution to the environment .The resoures of the second pollution come from the power dust of the material crushing,material lifting ,grinding and material transporting by belt ,and so on . This paper in view of the problem of the second pollution bring by the product power of Aerated Concrete ,proposed a new type of cleaner production program whick suits for the fly ash aerated concrete .And build the cleaner product model . The scheme can improve the utilization of raw materials and to achieve the purpose of clean production . The cleaner production scheme also applies to the clean production of the cement industry and other sectors of power dust pollution
     This paper combined the field application control system of DCS in an aerated concrete factory in Neimeng , the algorithm of fuzzy PID controller communicates with the DCS control system by the OPC interface. This project emphasized and actualized the modularization, and enhanced the universality transplantation while reduced the cost of the enterprises.The scheme provided in this paper can improve the product qualified rate, improve the automation level of production and equipment utilization, reduce energy consumption , reduce environmental secondary pollution. Achieving comprehensive utilization of resources and improve production efficiency.
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