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     在相同环境条件下,棉花中部果枝铃的纤维长度虽稍高于其他部位,但纤维伸长动态变化及最终纤维长度在不同果枝部位间的差异均未达显著水平。棉纤维伸长发育期的累积辐热积PTI可综合温光复合因子的效应,其与棉纤维最大伸长速率Vmax呈极显著线性正相关,与纤维快速伸长持续期T呈极显著线性负相关,与棉纤维长度理论最大值Lenm呈二次曲线函数关系,可以作为表征棉纤维伸长发育温光复合因子的指标。当棉纤维伸长发育期内PTI在335MJm-2左右时,Lenmm最大。氮素水平与温光复合因子对纤维长度的影响存在补偿效应,随施氮量的增加,棉纤维长度达到最大值时对应的PTI减小。当棉纤维伸长发育期内PTI达到240MJ m-2时,240kg N hm-2施氮量下的棉铃对位叶叶氮浓度(NA)更适宜棉纤维伸长;PTI低于此值时,增加施氮量(480kgNhm-2)可减小因累积辐热积降低而造成的棉纤维长度缩短的幅度。
     棉花果枝部位显著影响纤维比强度的形成,并与温光复合因子存在协同效应。棉花中部果枝铃发育期温光条件适宜,其纤维比强度显著大于其他果枝部位铃;随温光条件变差,纤维比强度在果枝部位间的差异不明显。棉纤维比强度随花后天数的增加可分为快速增加和稳定增加两个时期,后者是品种间纤维比强度形成差异的主要阶段。PTI与纤维比强度快速增加期的日均增长速率(VRG)线性正相关、与快速增加持续期(TRG)线性负相关。当PTI达到291MJ m-2左右时,纤维比强度Strobs最大,品种间差异主要源于纤维比强度稳定增加期。(3)纤维比强度达到最大值所需的PTI随施氮量增加而减小,施氮量可通过棉铃对位叶叶氮浓度(NA)影响纤维比强度的形成,棉花氮素营养对温光复合因子存在补偿效应,当PTI高于104MJ m-2时,本文240kgN hm-2下的NA更适宜于比强度的形成;PTI低于此值时,增加施氮量可对温光复合因子进行补偿,以利于高强纤维形成。
     最终棉纤维细度、成熟度和马克隆值在棉花不同果枝部位间的差异较小。棉纤维加厚期内的累积辐热积(PTI)与纤维细度、成熟度和马克隆值形成各项特征值的关系均达到极显著水平。达到最小棉纤维细度时,科棉1号、美棉33B所需的PTI分别为310.0.318.1MJm-2:纤维成熟度达到1.60-1.75时,科棉1号、美棉33B所需的PTI分别为211.5- m-2;纤维马克隆值达到3.7-4.2时,科棉1号、美棉33B对应的PTI范围分别为14.8-103.8、58.7-127.8MJ m-2。当纤维细度、成熟度和马克隆值形成期的PTI分别低于63.1、144.3、61.5MJ m-2时,增加施氮量可通过调节NA变化对温光复合因子进行补偿,改善棉纤维品质
     基于不同熟性棉花品种的异地分期播种和施氮量试验,综合量化品种特性、主要气象条件(温度、太阳辐射)和栽培措施(施氮量)对棉纤维长度、比强度、细度、成熟度和马克隆值形成的影响,建立基于过程的棉纤维品质形成模拟模型。模型根据纤维伸长和加厚发育时间与铃期的关系确定决定棉纤维长度的伸长生理发育时间(PDTFEP)和决定棉纤维比强度、细度、成熟度和马克隆值的加厚生理发育时间(PDTSWP)。在温度、太阳辐射因子方面,采用温光复合指标——辐热积(PTI)综合表示温度和光照对纤维品质形成的影响,并对棉花生育后期温度和太阳辐射之间的互补效应做了初步阐述。氮素因子方面,建立了半经验性的棉铃对位叶单位叶面积氮浓度模型,根据其与各纤维品质的关系,分别构建氮素效应函数。利用不同年份不同生态点的品种、播期和施氮量等田间试验资料对模型进行检验,结果表明:科棉1号、美棉33B的棉纤维长度预测值与实测值的根均方差(RMSE)和相对误差(RE)分别为1.03mm和12.2%、1.03mm和12.5%;纤维比强度的RMSE和RE分别为2.57cN tex-1和11.4%、1.82cN tex-1和9.3%;纤维细度的RMSE和RE分别为388m g-1和4.8%、355mg-1和5.0%;纤维成熟度的RMSE和RE分别为0.12和11.5%、0.11和11.2%;纤维马克隆值的RMSE和RE分别为0.33和12.7%、0.30和11.8%。表明模型对不同条件下纤维品质形成的预测精度较高,具较强的可靠性和适用性。
Based on the achievements in physiological and ecological mechanisms of cotton fiber development and fiber quality formation, the experiments conducted in the lower reaches of Yangtze River Valley (Nanjing) and the Yellow River Valley (Xuzhou, Anyang) in2005,2007, and2009, we quantify the effects of fruiting branches, weather (temperature and solar radiation, using PTI as an composite indicator), and N supply on cotton fiber development and quality formation. Using agricultural model principle and systematic analysis method, we developed simulation model for cotton fiber quality formation.These models were tested with the field experimental data collected from different sits. Meanwhile, a cotton fiber quality regional distribution and appraisal system based on model and GIS was built, which including both the cotton fiber formation model and integrated fiber quality model. The main results are as follows:
     1. Effects of fruiting branch position, temperature-light factors and nitrogen rates on cotton fiber elongation
     Cotton bolls developed in the middle-branch position produced longer fiber than that in lower-and upper-branch positions, but the dynamic changes of fiber length were not significant among different fruiting branches. PTI can be an indicator assessing temperature-light effect during cotton fiber elongation period. The maximum elongation rate (Vmax) and duration of fiber speedy elongation period (T) were linearly corelated with PTI, while the theoretical maximum of cotton fiber length (Lenm) was quadratic with PTI. The longest Lenm was obtained at PTI of335MJ m-2in cotton fiber elongation period, when Vmax was1.3mm d-and T was16d. There exists an interaction between N fertilization and PTI on fiber elongation. As N fertilization increased, values of PTI for obtaining the longest Lenm decreased. And when PTI was greater than240MJ m-2(237.6and241.6MJ m-2for Kemian1and NuCOTN33B, respectively), NA under240kg N ha-1was more suitable for the elongation of cotton fiber; while PTI was less than that value, NA under480kg N ha-1was more appropriate.
     2. Effects of fruiting branch position, temperature-light factors and nitrogen rates on cotton fiber strength formation
     An interaction between fruiting branch and temperature was observed. Cotton bolls in the Middle-branch produced stronger fiber than that in Lower-and Upper-branch when temperature-light factor was optimal. While temperature-light decreased, fruiting-branch effects are not significant. Development of cotton fiber strength can be divided into rapid and steady growth period, cultivar difference in cotton fiber strength may come from difference in steady growth period. The strongest Strobs was obtained at PTI of291MJ m-2. N fertilization significantly affects formation of cotton fiber strength and has a compensatory effect on PTI. As N increased, PTI for obtain the highest Stro\>s decreased. NA under240kg N ha-1is more suitable for cotton fiber strength when PTI was greater than104MJ m-2; when PTI is less than that value, NA under480kg N ha-1is more appropriate. Fruiting-branch significantly affects formation of cotton fiber strength and there is interaction between fruiting-branch and temperature-light factor. Temperature-light factor and nitrogen rate significantly influence cotton fiber strength formation, nitrogen has a compensate effect on temperature-light factor.
     3. Effects of fruiting branch position, temperature-light factors and nitrogen rates on cotton fiber fineness, maturity and micronaire formation
     The final fiber fineness, maturity, and micronaire were not significant among different fruiting branches. PTI can be an indicator assessing temperature-light effect during cotton fiber secondary wall synthesis period. It significantly related to eigen values of cotton fiber fineness (FinObS), maturity (Matm), and micronaire (Micm). Cottin fiber fineness and micronaire were quadratic with PTI, while cotton fiber maturity was linearly corelated with it. The lowest Finobs was obtained at PTI of310.0and318.1MJ m-2for Kemian1and NuCOTN33B, respectively, in cotton fiber secondary wall synthesis period. Range of1.60-1.75for cotton fiber maturity was obtained at PTI range of211.5-299.7MJ m-2for Kemian1and233.2-301.4MJ m-2for NuCOTN33B. Range of3.7-4.2for cotton fiber micronaire was obtained at PTI range of14.8-103.8MJ m-2for Kemian1and58.7-127.8MJ m-2for NuCOTN33B. N fertilization affects cotton fiber fineness, maturity, and micronaire by influencing subtending leaf N per unit area (NA). And there exists an interaction between NA and PTI. When PTI was less than63.1,144.3,61.5MJ m2,480kg N ha-1was more appropriate for cotton fiber fineness, maturity, and micronaire formation.
     4. Modeling cotton fiber quality formation
     The simulation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber quality is still an area of great uncertainty, especially in their formation process. The aim of this study was to develop a model for simulating cotton fiber quality formation for explaining the effect of genotype, weather (temperature and solar radiation), and crop management N supply. The duration of fiber elongation for fiber length formation and secondary wall synthesis for fiber strength, fineness, maturity and micronaire formation were determined as proportional to the boll physiological developmental time (PDT), which was simulated as a function of temperature, radiation, and N. The interactive effect of temperature and radiation on cotton fiber quality was modeled as a function of the integrated photo-thermal index, the product of thermal effectiveness and radiation (PTI). The subtending leaf N concentration per unit area of cotton boll (NA) was used as the indicator of boll N nutrition. The changes of NA with boll development, N application rate, and boll position were simulated by a semi-empirical formula. Based on the relations between the actual and critical NA, the nitrogen response functions for the formation of different fiber quality parameters were quantified, accounting for the interactive effects of N nutrition and PTI on fiber quality. Calibration and validation of the model were made using fiber quality data obtained from three years with two sowing dates and three or four N application rates at three locations in China. The average RMSE for fiber length, strength, fineness, maturity, and micronaire predictions were1.03mm,2.20cN tex-1,372m g-1,0.11and0.3, respectively. The proposed model well explained the observed genotypic and environmental variations in fiber length, strength, fineness, maturity and micronaire formation of cotton in China.
     5. Cotton fiber quality regional distribution and appraisal system based on model and GIS
     In order to predict and access the cotton fiber quality formation and their spatial distribution, taking MapObjects as investigative platform, using C#, then based on process-based model of the cotton fiber quality (CFQ), the regional distribution and appraisal System of CFQ is developed. By inputting the parameters of cotton species characteristic, climate and nitrogen application rate, it can analysis and estimate cotton fiber quality formation and their spatial interpolation. In the same time, each station of224 cotton lords in the Yellow River reaches and the Yangtze River reaches and eco-sites of Jiangsu province can be calculated and predicted for that year and next year a lord to cotton fiber length,strength, micromaire and integrated fiber quality. Showing the result by using the form, carve and chart, and automatically make the matic map. The case study of the system with the datasets in33eco-sites of Jiangsu province indicated that the system operates easily, runs reliably, estimates the space expression of result accurately and chooses the stations flexibly. This system can provide science basis for economy sustainable development in the cotton district.
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