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Cellulose is a high-molecular weight linear homopolymer constituted of repeatingβ-D-glucopyranosyl units joined by l→4-glycosidic linkages, is the most abundant, renewableand biodegradable natural polymer. Many techniques have been developed to obtainnano-scaled cellulose from natural cellulose material. These nanocelluloses are able toprovide reinforcement in a wild variety of composites. In this work, nanocellulose was usedas nanofillers in the polymer matrix to build nanocomposite hydrogels, provides a new way totake advantage of high-value natural cellulose.
     Cellulose-graft-acrylic acid (C-g-AA) hydrogels were prepared via free radicalpolymerization in85%homogeneous phosphoric acid solution. The results showed that thehydrogels have obvious pH sensitivity and pH reversibility. The swelling ratio in distilledwater was increased with increasing of AA components in hydrogels, it can exceeded7327%with mole ratio of6:1(AA/Cellulose); The C-g-AA hydrogels have a porous network innerstructure with cellulose as the backbone, it has excellent dye and metal ions equilibriumadsorption capacity, for methylene blue (MB) was2197mg·g-1and for the heavy metal ionswere562.7(Cd2+),825.7(Pb2+), and380.1mg/g (Ni2+), respectively. The observed affinityorder of competitive ions adsorption is Pb2+>Ni2+>Cd2+in mmol/g. The effects of mole ratioof AA to cellulose, the pH of adsorption medium and the initial concentration on MB or metalions adsorption capacity of hydrogels were investigated. Both the adsorption isotherm andkinetics fit the Langmuir model and the Pseudo-second-order model well, respectively. SEMimages and FTIR spectra before and after adsorption on the hydrogels revealed that thecomplexation between dye (or metal ions) and carboxyl groups on hydrogels was the mainadsorption mechanism.
     Three techniques including acid hydrolysis (AH), TEMPO-mediated oxidation (TMO)and ultrasonication (US) were introduced to obtain nanocellulose. Important differences werenoticed in fiber quality of nanocellulose and film properties of poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA)nanocomposite films. The TMO treatment was more efficient in nanocellulose isolation withhigher aspect ratio, surface charge (-47mV) and yields (37%). While AH treatment resultedin higher crystallinity index (88.1%) and better size dispersion. The fracture surface, thermalbehavior and mechanical properties of the PVA nanocomposite films were investigated bymeans of SEM, DSC, TGA and tensile testing. The results shown that both the TMO-derivedand AH-derived nanocellulose could homogeneous disperse in the PVA matrices. AH/PVAfilms had higher elongation at break (51.59%at6wt%nanocellulose loading) as compared with TMO/PVA, while TMO/PVA films shown superior tensile modulus and strength withincrements of21.5%and10.2%at6wt%nanocellulose loading. The thermal behavior of thePVA nanocomposite films was higher improved with TMO-derived nanofibrils addition.
     Nanocomposite hydrogels based on carboxylated cellulose nanofibrils (CCNFs) andcarboxymethyl cellulose-g-poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) were synthesized. A series ofexperiments were performed to evaluate the influence of factors such as CCNFs amount,solution pH, temperature, salt solution type and concentration on the swelling behaviors of thehydrogels. The swelling capacity in distilled water increased dramatically from245.8to458.7g/g with the addition of CCNFs up to2.5wt%. The incorporation of CCNFs improved saltresistance properties of the hydrogels with slower deswelling rate and higher water retentioncapacity at deswelling equilibrium. Furthermore, the nanocomposite hydrogels presentedbetter responsive behavior in relation to pH presence and showed an increase in waterretention capacity at various temperatures.
     Novel magnetic hydrogel beads (m-CS/PVA/CCNFs), consisting of CCNFs,amine-functionalized magnetite nanoparticles and PVA blended chitosan, were prepared byan instantaneous gelation method. SEM, XRD, and TGA techniques were applied toinvestigate the structure of the hydrogel materials. SEM revealed that magnetite nanoparticlewas well dispersed in space throughout the3D structure. The average diameter of CCNFsblended magnetic hydrogels was quite smaller than that of the unblended samples for theCCNFs narrowed the voids network in hydrogels and rendered the structures denser. Themagnetic nature of m-CS/PVA/CCNFs hydrogels was validated as magnetite nanoparticle.Hydrogels can be separated easily from the solution with the help of an external magneticforce. The hydrogels exhibit higher Pb2+adsorption capacity with the value of171.0mg/g.
     Free-standing cellulose nanowhikers (CNWs) foams were successfully prepared inH2O-DMSO binary solvent through freeze-casting technique. The addition of0.5%~1.5%v/vDMSO in water had a significant influence on the pore morphology of the foams, with higherDMSO concentrations, the structure sizes, including the pore diameter on the top view, thelamellae thickness and interlamellae spaces on the side view can be increased to a certainextent. Compared with foams prepared from water, the foams in H2O-DMSO mixture showspotential for strongly improved mechanical properties. The cooling conditions also stronglyimpact the porosity features, and have a direct repercussion on the compressive strength.
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