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The economic competition of the 21th century is in fact the competition of human capital .The competition will become more and more serious after China became a member of the WTO, because the globalizing economy will influence Chinese enterprises. The enterprise's existence and development depends on perfect incentive mechanism. The compensative incentive is the most important and efficient in business's incentive mechanism at present. The contradiction about compensation has become worse in Chinese enterprises as a result of neglect and lacking experience of human resources management during the long-term practice. For example, compensative system has stop the development of manufacture due to being short of competitive power in the market. The incentive of compensation has weaken and side effect has strengthen on the contrary. The company will lose its superiority in the sharper market competition without a compensative system suitable to the development of market economy. How to design, establish and put
    into effect an efficient compensative system is still a trouble for management team.
    In the first part of this paper, many compensative systems of foreign modern enterprises are compared and analyzed, the Chinese enterprises can draw lessons from that. The second part of the thesis has a brief account about the basic compensation theory in Marxism economics and The West economics, and it also include the comprehensive dissertation about the conception and the function of compensative, the determinant of compensative level and the principles of how to design a compensative system.A diagnosis is used to the original compensative system of the BeiHai Pearl Co..Ltd in the third part of the thesis .It points out the disadvantage in the current system. In order to solve these problems, the 4th part of the thesis redesign the compensative systemof the BeiHai Pearl Co..Ltd .Based on the evaluation of the stuffs and the result
    after the new compensative system put into effect, the paper draw a conclusion about the revolution of the compensative system in the 5 th part. The conclusion shows that reforming the compensative system during market economy can promote up the potential capability of human capital, and increase enterprise performance efficiently.
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