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Go with the steps of Chinese cultural regulation reform,the huge market of TV media industry appeared in China.But at the same time all kinds of problems like the lag actuality of TV Media Regulation and so on emerged increasingly.Also Public media especially TV media have their own trait like commonweal,but with the development of our society the industrial and economic characteristics of TV media can not be ignored.
     About the government regulation of TV media industry,the research among the Chinese academia looks weak comparatively at present for lack of precise and regular academic analysis.In the other side,the special traits of Chinese TV media in a long-term induced that the researches of Regulation Ecnomics on TV media industry and its regulaiton field are lacking badly.Due to the above reasones,the thesis introduced government regulation conceptions in order to tidy the rugulation fundations and structure of TV media industry.Then the author based on the Regulation Economics,by using the Universal Service Theory,Make A Price in Average Theory to discussed the advertising intendance,universal service and price regulation in CATV charge.
     In the second section of the thesis,the author compared the international TV media industry regulation and integrated the development history and approch of Chinese TV industy,from the portrait and landscape orientation to tidied the dynamic evolvement and regulation variance of Chinese TV media industry,then the author used SCP to validate it via CATV market structure.In the end,the author summarized the puzzledom of Chinese TV media industry.
     Integrating the Commission-Agent Model of Invigorative Regulation Theory,the author studied Chinese TV media industry regulation restructuring theory and realistic choice.Whereafter the author defined the functional orientation of government and market,the essential content of strengthening social regulation and relaxing economic regulaiton.Also the author pointed out the concrete approaches on adjustivingregulation structure and brought exercisable advices for Chinese media industry regulation practice.
     At the end of the thesis,the author studied the western Digital TV Paradox and considered the present problems of Chinese digital TV industry regulation.Then based on constructing Chinese digital TV supply chain the author analized the competition and integration of the supply chain alliance.Finally the author gave out Chinese digital TV regulation mode in order to providing thinking orientation for reasonable switch of Digital-simulate mode and corresponding regulation calm transition.
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