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To study the property rights of human capital is very important. Because the theory of human capital was the main study in the formation of the concept and theory, the relations between human capital and economy growth and incomes distribution ,scarcely concerned the property rights of human capital .The property rights system of human capital was not complete founded in our country, it does not inspirit and restrict effectively human capital owner in state-owned firm, and distorted seriously corporate governance structure of state-owned firm.
    This article has four parts.
    In the first part , primary character of human capital is discussed, and then discusses character of the property rights of human capital-belongs to carrier of human capital possession.
    The second part is to discuss the reason of human capital participate in arranging property of corporation , this is necessary require for individual owner-system of labour force, created social wealth by alive labour and materialized labour, and development of knowledge-based economy, and then establishes a dynamic model of human and nonhuman capital participate in arranging property of corporation to carrying through theoretical analyses about human capital participate in arranging property of corporation . Thirdly discusses essential of modern times corporate governance structure , namely it incarnates contractual relation in theory and collocation of power, duty and profit in function and organic coalescent of mechanism inside and outside .
    The following part is to discuss innovation of corporate
    governance structure .The property right arrangement of human capital has Executive Stock Options, Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Dynamic Sharing System .By comparing consider that Dynamic Sharing System is an ideal property right arrangement on inspiriting and restricting human capital owner.
    In the last part, the evolvement and primary problems of corporate governance structure of state-owned firm is discussed, and then opens out the direction of human capitalization.
    The article is based on the research results of many predecessors .If there exists any innovation, humbly it may be that combines the theory of human capital and property right, and discusses the property rights of human capital arrangement and corporate governance structure innovation by the ways of theoretic and game analyses and demonstration research. The property right of
    state-owned firm is an alliance of the propety right of substantial and human capital, as the substantial capital owner, the human capital owner holds the coequal station, takes the shareholder rights and interests, and the residual rights of claims and control in the property right system. On the innovation of corporate governance structure, Offers several patterns: ESO, ESOP and DSS, and the human capital owners is brought into stockholder list. Discovers the DSS is an ideal property right arrangement on inspiriting and restricting human capital owner by comparing.
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