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     研究表明骨髓来源的干细胞可在体内分化为在位和异位子宫内膜细胞,干细胞分化为异位子宫内膜可能是内异症的一种新的发病机制。2004年,Taylor, H.S.等对4名接受HLA单抗原不匹配骨髓移植、具有子宫内膜活检适应症的妇女进行了子宫内膜活检,通过免疫组化和RT-PCR法检测HLA,发现受体的子宫内膜活检组织中有0.2%-48%的上皮细胞和0.3%-52%的间质细胞来源于供体,首次提出受体的子宫内膜细胞可以来源于供体的骨髓细胞,提示非子宫部位的干细胞可能对子宫内膜的再生起一定作用。2007年,Du,H.等将雄鼠骨髓细胞通过尾静脉注入放射线照射后的雌鼠血液中,6个月后在雌鼠子宫内膜中找到了雄鼠来源的骨髓细胞,同时通过给切除子宫的LacZ雌鼠注射野生型雌鼠的子宫组织碎片进行内异症造模,10周后在异位内膜中发现表达LacZ的子宫内膜上皮细胞和间质细胞。尽管来源于供体骨髓细胞的上皮和间质细胞所占比例很小,但提示了血液循环中骨髓来源的干细胞可能具有分化为布位和异位子宫内膜细胞的潜能。
     在此基础上,课题组开展了体外诱导骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)向子宫内膜腺上皮方向分化的研究,体外将BMSCs与子宫内膜间质细胞(EStCs)间接共培养,realtime RT-PCR检测上皮方面标记物角蛋白7、18、19、上皮膜抗原显著增加,免疫荧光进一步验证共培养后角蛋白显著增加,表明骨髓间充质干细胞在体外共培养体系下可以向子宫内膜腺上皮方向分化。为进一步研究BMSCs向子宫内膜腺上皮方向分化过程发生的一系列重要蛋白质分子及信号转导通路变化,故对诱导前后的BMSCs、子宫内膜腺上皮行同位素标记相对和绝对定量(isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation, iTRAQ)蛋白质组学分析,以获得这一分化过程的重要蛋白分子及信号通路变化信息。本课题具体分为以下三部分。
     第二部分,选取蛋白质组学鉴定结果中上皮细胞和间质细胞标记进行western blot检测,在对蛋白质组学鉴定结果进行验证的同时,进一步说明BMSCs向子宫内膜腺上皮方向分化。验证结果表明大部分组学结果可靠,并通过进一步验证随共培养时间增加上皮细胞标志物表达增加、间质细胞标记物表达下降,进一步阐明了骨髓间充质干细胞在共培养体系下随时间进展不断向子宫内膜方向分化。
     第一部分,我们报道异位绒癌罕见疑难病例具体诊疗经过以及该患者TP53和ERBB2基因外显子测序分析结果。TVS始终在宫内和宫外发现妊娠证据,经过两次全身甲氨喋呤(MTX)治疗血HCG仍升高,电视腹腔镜手术、刮宫术及术后病理均未能发现输卵管或卵巢病灶,后在胸片提示左肺下叶见结节下考虑到诊断为绒癌,随后在盆腔、胸部、颅脑MRI辅助检查下,临床诊断为异位绒癌,经化疗和电视胸腔镜切除转移病灶手术联合治疗及时消除原发灶和转移灶。在进行目的基因外显子测序中,ERBB2外显子20中第116位碱基发生杂合性同义突变(G>A),蛋白质序列并未改变;而具有致病性可能的TP53SNP rs1042522表现为C/G杂合型,并由此推测该SNP精氨酸脯氨酸杂合状态可能是患者具有绒癌易感性的基础。
Objective:Male mice bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) have been demonstrated to differentiate into female endometrial epithelial cells (EECs) in vivo. Our group has demonstrated that BMSCs can differentiate in the direction of EECs in condition of co-culture with endometrial stromal cells in vitro. Here we tend to obtain information in the process of differentiation of BMSCs into EEC by isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) proteomic analysis and discern some potential pathways in the process.
     Methods:A0.4μm pore size indirect co-culture system was established with female mice endometrial stromal cells (EStCs) restricted in Transwell chamber into BMSCs. After indirect co-culture for several days, BMSCs were revealed to progressively differentiate towards epithelial like cells in vitro. Then five groups were divided according to different co-culture days with EECs and BMSCs single culture groups as control. Differential candidate proteins were analysed through proteomic approach of based iTRAQ quantitative differential LC-MS/MS. Four proteins were verified by Western blot. Gene ontology (GO) analysis and pathway analysis were applied.
     Results:A total number of208proteins were identified,100of which proteins were differentially expressed with1.2-fold difference, with52up-regulated and48proteins down-regulated. Four proteins verified by Western blot were in general accordance with the results of iTRAQ proteomics. Gene ontology analysis of differential proteins revealed that cellular morphogenesis, motility, adhesion and development of differentiated cells are based on the metabolic process. Ingenuity IPA software analysis demonstrated differential proteins such as Nes, Sod2、Krt8、HSP90、 Anxal play a potential important role in promoting BMSCs to differentiate into EEC by directly and indirectly regulating signaling pathway including NF-κB, MAPK/ERK and P13K/Akt etc.
     Conclusion:Our study demonstrated the detailed alteration of proteins and signaling pathways during mice BMSCs differentiating into EECs in vitro. More mature autologous EECs could be induced from BMSCs by targetting these important proteins and signaling pathways, which was of potential clinical significance in providing new treatment for Asherman syndrome and endometriosis.
     Choriocarcinoma is a kind of malignant gestational trophoblastic neoplasia with low incidence. The incidence of choriocarcinoma is estimated to be0.133per100,000woman-years.[l] Most choriocarcinoma lesions located in uterus, however, there were extremely few primary lesions locating in fallopian tubes, cervix or broad ligment etc. The etiology of choriocarcinoma is still unkown to date. Persisting pregnancy of unknown location means women have a plateau or increase in serial serum HCG concentrationsless than500mlU/mL or less than2,000mIU/mL, but no evidence of intrauterine or ectopic pregancy can be found by transvaginal sonography.[2-4] In this article, we present information concerning a rare ectopic choriocarcinoma characterized by invisible primary lesions and low levels of serum human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that masqueraded as a persisting pregnancy of unknown location (PPUL). Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of the patient. All ERBB2and P53coding exons were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and subjected to automatic DNA sequencing. In TP53, a SNP rs1042522in codon72(C/G at position119in exon4) was identified. On this basis, a study of SNP rs1042522and susceptiblity of choriocarcinoma was performed.
     In the first part, we reported the the rare ectopic choriocarcinoma characterized by invisible primary lesions and low levels of serum HCG that masqueraded as a PPUL and the DNA sequencing results of all ERBB2and P53coding exons. No evidence of intrauterine or ectopic pregancy had been found by transvaginal sonography and serum HCG still increased in case of MTX therapy twice. TV assisted laparoscopy, uterine curretage and pathology examination provided no evidence of lesion. It was not until the chest X-ray revealed a nodule in the left lower lobe that we considered the possibility of choriocarcinoma. Pelvic, abdominal and cranial MRI were used to additionally detect a primary left adnexal lesion and a metastatic nodule of choriocarcinoma in the left lower lobe. To our knowledge, this case was the first case of ectopic choriocarcinoma masquerading as PPUL in which the primary and metastatic lesions were timely treated by a combination of chemotherapy and surgery before systemic metastasis. The results of DNA sequencing showed a heterozygous synonymous mutation in codon793(G>A at position116in exon20) in ERBB2and the protein codon did not change. In TP53, a SNP rs1042522in codon72(C/G at position119in exon4) was identified. TP53rs1042522with probablepathogenic allele in Reference SNP Cluster Report, so we hypothesized that rs1042522C/G heterozygosity might be the genetic basis of choriocarcinoma susceptibility.
     In the second part, we further performed the study of rs1042522and susceptibility of choriocarcinoma on previous basis. Genomic DNA were extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes of23choriocarcinoma patients and84healthy women as control to sequence rs1042522. The chosen population fit Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Both the odds ratio (OR) of allele C compared to allele G and the OR of genotype C/C, C/G, C/G+C/C compared to G/G were larger than1, but the differences are of no significance, which suggested rs1042522might not correlate with susceptibility of choriocarcinoma. We presumed the small number of choriocarcinoma patients might affect the statistic analysis. Thus, more patients should be enrolled to explore the rs1042522and susceptibility of choriocarcinoma.
     In summary, we performed the study of rs1042522and susceptibility of choriocarcinoma on basis of the rare ectopic choriocarcinoma masqueraded as a PPUL. The present result suggested rs1042522might not correlate with susceptibility of choriocarcinoma, but might be affected by the small number of choriocarcinoma patients. Therefore, more patients will be enrolled to continue exploring the study.
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