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It is of great significance to promote the career training, improve the employment rate and labor productivity, and increase the income for migrant workers; meanwhile beneficiary to enhance the country's level of human capital, meet the needs of economic development, upgrade the level of the labor quality and industrial structure.
     In the background that Chinese population bonus fades away and the urbanization steps into the new era, this study aims to discuss the necessity of strengthening the career training for the new generation of migrant workers. But from a practical point of view, career training for the new generation of migrant workers is trapped in the swamp of the low participation rate, the disparity between the actual effect of training and career interest, the inconsistency between training orientation and demand orientation, the unreasonable management structure and funding deficiency, etc. For these problems, this aims to study of the origin of the training dilemma from the three dimensions, including the fundamental contradiction of supply and demand, investment mechanism and the deficiency of management and the structure which handicaps the career training. Meanwhile, combined with China's structure transition and adjustment, due to the underperformance of government, the inefficiency of training is low, the monotonicity and the lack of mechanism design will also be discussed. In China which is still a developing country, in addition to the imperfect investment mechanism and the information asymmetry problem, the inefficiency, monotonicity, and the defected design and supply system have exacerbated the slow development of the occupation education for the new generation of migrant workers. We believe that this is originated from the problem that Chinese economic disequilibrium effects on supply and demand, organization and the macro environment.
     The new generation of migrant have new demand for occupation skill training compared with the past. Although the training contents diversified somewhat, the gap still exists as the new generation of migrant workers change from the survival concept of career to development concept. Due to this change, the needs for skill training get more urgent, but the lack of funds investment caused by the investment mechanism, it seriously hindered the development of the new generation of migrant workers. In addition, disorderly development and institutional factors behind the absence of government functions, social training system and the labor market, have also hampered the human capital investment mechanism.
     The new generation of migrant workers occupation education training plight cannot be solved by one factor's improvement. On the contrary, it must be coped with the three factors'strength at the same time, with the strengthening interaction, so as to promote the new generation of migrant workers occupation education training development. Meanwhile, it cannot only be limited to the asymmetric information caused by the first non-equilibrium, but also need the handling the factors of system caused by the second non-equilibrium, in order to converge to a new efficient equilibrium.
     In the development process of migrant workers'occupation education and training, the role and the regulation of government should shift to open-minded and diversified model. Especially with the growing influence of the market mechanism on the occupation education of the new generation of migrant workers, the role of the government should adapt to the regional and professional characteristics of occupation education, which has become a key factor for new generation of migrant workers'occupation training.
2 在双元处理情形下,Logit模型和Probit模型的结果是相似的(Caliendo and Kopeinig,2005)。
    9 李群山等(2012)引用青少年发展基金会和青少年研究中心两家机构联合调研的数据,在该样本中,我国97%的新生代农民工有继续学习的意愿,这和不到1/3的培训参与率形成了鲜明的对比。
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