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Water is the source of life, is the lifeblood of the whole national economicconstruction. With the rapid development of economy, social demand for thedevelopment of water resources is more and more strong, indefinitely to dig up thepotential of water resources and the unreasonable use of water resources, cause a lot ofpollution, damage the ecological environment. Due to the natural characteristics of waterresources in river basin as a unit, this paper studies focusing on the basic concept as“river basin water resources is a complete system”, then by the concept of system theoryto study the regulation of river basin water pollution problems. Across in the river basinwater pollution in our country the administrative divisions of river basin pollution is oneof the most serious problems in current water crisis. Long river basin water pollutiongovernance did not make the whole river basin water quality has big difference, as theincrease of the administrative area economy development on water resource dependence,across the administrative area of river basin water pollution is becoming more and moreintensified instead, emergency, which makes the environmental protection department inthe strict accountability embarrassing state, social public interests by its passive damageand is in a state of "concern" with water. Of basin water pollution is a kind ofadministrative divisions of externalities problem, this kind of problem can not simplyrely on technology or control model to solve the pollution of the environment governance,the solution of this problem needs from the external reason of social political andeconomic factors, the basin water pollution of the internal causes and the investigationand analysis about the current regulation scheme, to respect the objective existence ofeach kind of institution endowment constraints on perfecting the regulation of river basinwater pollution regulation principle, and also should think of the structure of the basinwater pollution regulation reform and innovation of river basin water pollution regulationtools, realization of river basin water pollution regulation efficiency.
     Starting from the basin water pollution in our country in this paper, the basicconditions, using the provincial panel data from2001to2010of the "best emissionlevels" model to the empirical research on the current situation of regulation, to explorethe influencing factors of river basin water pollution. Empirical study shows that the provincial government of the region has remarkable effect on pollution geographicallocation affect the efficiency of provincial government regulation, because upstreamregulation strength is low, so there are pollution by "free-rider" tendency to pass on to thedownstream area.
     Then, this paper tries to use of institutional economics, regulation economics,management, externality theory and game theory and other related theory to resolve theproblems of river basin water pollution serious. With externality theory in economics andmanagement of the bureaucracy theory to the analysis of river basin water pollutionregulation subject is how to form internal external relations, regulating body externalbenefit is how to produce, regulating object is how to form internal external relations,regulating object between external benefit is how to produce. Use the tools of gametheory to analysis of river basin water pollution regulation between the main body,regulating object and regulation between the subject and regulation object is how toaccording to the existing policy to select the strategy to form stable results after the gameto explain the reason for difficulties in river basin water pollution is always in regulation.
     Furthermore, this paper also studies the western experience of river basin waterpollution regulation in developed countries. River basin water pollution is a worldwideproblem, many western developed countries in the industrial development hasexperienced severe river basin water pollution problems, they have accumulated a largenumber of government regulation in the process of governance on the successfulexperience of pollution, draw lessons from the beneficial experience of which conformsto our country reality, can reduce the process of river basin water pollution regulationexploration in our country, saves the regulation cost, improve the efficiency of theregulation. The United States, Germany and Japan are succeed in the basin waterpollution and has the successful experience of regulation in the country, this articleoffers a concise research to the rules of the three countries the legal system, governancestructure, regulation tools and regulation reform, learn from their successful mode ofregulation and regulation for river basin water pollution regulation in China and then putforward the corresponding suggestion.
     Finally, this paper based on the analysis of the above suggestions proposedregulatory reform of river basin water pollution in China. From the perspective of externality theory put forward suggestions of internalization of external relations andexternal benefit, and forward to the vertical management and establish green GDPaccounting, assessment index of the internalization of environmental accountability toregulate body external relations and external benefits; Type through hierarchicalcoordination mechanism, the market-oriented coordination mechanism, the coordinationlevel governments governance mechanism three ways to implement horizontalcoordination between governments to eliminate external benefit between localgovernments; By defining the responsibilities, reshaping organization structure tofunctions of the internalization of external relations; Through the enterprise selfregulation to eliminate external benefit between enterprises and in the use of waterpeople. Through from the perspective of management, to learn the traditionalbureaucracy "value rationality", the western modern bureaucracy " jurisprudence " andafter the bureaucracy of the goal to build a "good governance" is suitable for regulatingstructure based on public administration system of our country. From the point of themethod of economics and institutional economics, this paper puts forward to perfect thelegal system to ensure the implementation of the regulation principles. From theperspective of administrative science,"vertical" in the environmental protectiondepartment shall put forward management pilot, and promote the establishment of the"big environment", set up the river basin water environment committee and basin incourt.
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