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It’s an objective demand on the sustainable development of regional economy tounify the urban and rural development and diminish the dual economic structure, and it’salso the precondition to realize the nice and rapid development of economic society andcomprehensively boost the construction of an affluent society. In June of2007, StateCouncil approved Chongqing and Chengdu to be the national comprehensive coordinatedreform experiment districts of urban and rural unified planning, and this has been anessential move to put forward the harmonious urban and rural development and theconstruction of our harmonious society. Ever since then Chongqing and Chengdu havebeen the pilot zones and the attention focus of the experiences of urban and rural unifiedplanning and development. With the further reform and exploration on Chongqing andChengdu’s urban and rural unified planning and development, it’s necessary to concludeand study their current situation and experiences, so as to guide the scientificdevelopment of urban and rural unified planning and development.
     This paper takes as the research object Chengdu and Chongqing urban and ruralunified planning and development, refers to experiences at home and abroad, analyzesand concludes the development, current situation, modes and countermeasures ofChengdu and Chongqing national comprehensive coordinated reform experiment districtsof urban and rural unified planning. It helps deepen people’s realization over urban andrural unified planning and development, make clear the inner link between the city andthe countryside, clarify the deep reasons for the unbalanced rural and urban development,correctly grasp and evaluate the practice in Chengdu and Chongqing, and better hold theinherent law of balancing urban and rural development, to richen the theory on urban andrural unified planning and development. Taking the data between2007and2012as thesample interval, and starting from the urban and rural unified economic developmentplanning, unified social development planning, unified living standard planning andunified ecological environment planning, it conducts comprehensive evaluation andempirical analyses on these two districts’ urban and rural unified planning anddevelopment, and also studies the corresponding time and structure change laws.
     The whole paper is composed of eight chapters:
     Chapter1, is introduction. It gives an overview of the paper, including the puttingforward of problems, the meaning of the research, research methods, the creative points,the limitations, and also the paper’s logic starting point and its technical route.
     Chapter2, is a comprehensive description on references at home and abroad. Itorganizes in detail the research results of scholars at home and abroad, points out whatrelevant researches have been made by domestic scholars, what viewpoints they havegiven and what the existing limitations are, and clarify the spatial and time value ofsubsequent researches.
     Chapter3, is about the theoretical foundation of urban and rural unified planningand development. From the general theories, it illustrates the connotation, characteristics,inevitability and the practical meaning of urban and rural unified planning anddevelopment, and analyzes the historical evidences of urban and rural unified planningand development. It explains the theoretical foundation of urban and rural unifiedplanning and development by focusing on the theory of dual economic structure, thetheory of regional integration, center-external theory, garden city theory, and systemtheory.
     Chapter4, is the analysis on the current situation of Chengdu and ChongqingNational Comprehensive Coordinated Reform Experiment Districts of Urban and RuralUnified Planning. It first vertically describes the historical route of the background,process and development of the construction of Chengdu and Chongqing NationalComprehensive Coordinated Reform Experiment Districts of Urban and Rural UnifiedPlanning. Then it makes lateral comparison on the existing problems between the twodistricts’ constructions. And then it illustrates the reasons for these problems fromideology and culture, system and mechanism, population pressure, economic level andurbanization level.
     Chapter5, is about the evaluation and empirical analysis on the development ofChengdu and Chongqing National Comprehensive Coordinated Reform ExperimentDistricts of Urban and Rural Unified Planning. It analyzes the meaning and principles ofconstructing a development evaluation index system for Chengdu and ChongqingNational Comprehensive Coordinated Reform Experiment Districts of Urban and RuralUnified Planning, sets up an evaluation index system for urban and rural unified planningand development, comprehensively evaluates and empirically analyzes the degree of these two districts’ urban and rural unified planning and development, taking the databetween2007and2012as the sample interval and starting from the urban and ruraleconomic development, social development, living standard and ecological environment.
     Chapter6, is about the construction mode selection of Chengdu and ChongqingNational Comprehensive Coordinated Reform Experiment Districts of Urban and RuralUnified Planning. It puts forward the basic principles for mode selection and thedevelopment emphases, by comparing the modes of urban and rural unified planning anddevelopment among Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. On this basis, itexplores the route of the modes of Chengdu and Chongqing urban and rural unifiedplanning and development and makes brave description for the basic relationshipbetween the cities and the countryside in these two districts in the coming years.
     Chapter7, studies the successful experiences acquired by the United States, Japan,Britain, France, Germany, Norway, etc. about urban and rural unified planning anddevelopment, and thus offers important enlightenment and reference to Chengdu andChongqing urban and rural unified planning and development.
     Chapter8, concludes the whole paper and then proposes strategic suggestions forthe construction of Chengdu and Chongqing National Comprehensive CoordinatedReform Experiment Districts of Urban and Rural Unified Planning. The construction ofChengdu and Chongqing National Comprehensive Coordinated Reform ExperimentDistricts of Urban and Rural Unified Planning is a huge systematic project and is aall-dimensional reform of state system, with changes to take place from centralgovernment to local governments, involving economic, political, social, cultural andenvironmental aspects. Policies’ setting and implement will lead the direction of thesechanges. Therefore, governments should play leading roles, press ahead systematicinnovation and rural system reform, strengthen the construction of new-style urbanization,set up the social security system for urban and rural unified planning, guarantee thebalanced urban and rural education development, and realize the urban and rural publicservice integration.
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