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This paper summarizes the domestic and foreign existing research results, and bases on comprehensive utilization of resources and environmental economics, agricultural economics, institutional economics and related theory, uses modern agricultural development experience of developed countries or regions, explores the development scientific theory, method and the path of hunan two oriented agriculture under the restriction of resources and environment. First of all, it is reviewed from resource and environmental economics theory, modern agricultural development theory, and some resources and environment restriction and the economic development, agricultural development and relevant documents. Then, compares with development process, characteristics of the developed countries of modern agriculture, analyzes the present advantage and the existing problems in the development of modern agriculture in our country. Base on this, it further analyzes the development of modern agriculture in our country under the constraints of resource and environment from the point of view of theoretical and empirical analysis. According to the agricultural characteristics builds modern agricultural development theory model under the constraints of resource and environment, uses the theory tools analyses the possibility, power of modern agricultural development under the constraits of resource and environment; It takes the development of Hunan two-oriented agriculture as an example, further discusses the problems and solutions to the problem to Hunan two-oriented agriculture under resource and environment constraints. The main content and the conclusions are as follows:
     (1)From the history and experience of modern agricultural development from the United States, Japan and France and other developed countries, country should choose the development mode with its own situation, the advance of agricultural technology is the breakthrough power of agricultural development, focus on the role of market, government, the cooperation organization and other subjects in modern agricultural development. Compares with the modern agriculture in developed countries, our country exists low agricultural productivity, low farmers' income, severe constraints of the resources and environment, weak infrastructure, inadequate investment in agriculture and less related legal services and system support.
     (2)Base on previous research,this paper use Lucas human capital accumulation endogenous economic growth model, combines the characteristics of the agriculture, establishes agricultural growth model considering the resource depletion and environmental pollution, and uses the optimal control method discusses the model balanced growth of the solution, it shows that in the agriculture human capital accumulation in endogenous models, the modern agricultural sustainable development is possible, to meet some of the economic decision of some of the necessary conditions for the parameters, the ratio of agricultural human capital growth and the absolute input growth of depletioned resources in the process of production should be greater than the output elasticity ratio of the depletioned resources and human capital in the production process,At the same time, the technology progress is a exterior variable in assumption, rely on the support of government investment, therefore,with the support from government for technology progress, modern agriculture sustainable development is possible under the restriction of the resources and environment, but should pay attention to environmental impact from the progress of technology, should select clean production techniques.
     (3) Two oriented agriculture as a kind of modern agriculture, the third plenary session of the17choose resource conservation and environment friendly as the direction of the development of modern agriculture in our country. Hunan as a big agricultural province, has certain representativeness in our country. Base on the analysis of present situaiton, achievements and problems of agriculture development in hunan province, and on the basis of hunan two oriented agricultural development as an example to analysis the development of modern agriculture in hunan, constructs two oriented evaluation index system for empirical evaluation. The results show that the two oriented agriculture in hunan on the whole has set up in the initial stage of development, but in unbalanced development situation in all aspects. Among them, the per capita net income of farmers, agricultural product processing, every one thousand people have scientific and technological personnel index score are very low, that explains Hunan agriculture needs support to strengthen the construction of agricultural industrialization and investment in science and technology, improve the processing of agricultural products, the final purpose is to improve the per capita net income of farmers. Low score in resource utilization which in water resources, land resources, fertilizer use, that shows that the water resources, land resources, chemical fertilizer use efficiency are not high, need to improve the efficiency of resource utilization. Environmental security index score is not high in addition to the forest coverage rate because congenital advantage,it shows that it should control the use intensity of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural films, strengthen planting pollution-free agricultural products, improve treatment rate of the living garbage and sewage, and prevent the agricultural production, life to damage the environment. The empirical results show that the two oriented agriculture needs support from the policies of the government, science and technology and so on various aspects, especially formulate relevant laws or regulations to strengthen the management to the resources and environment, and increase investment to improve low resource utilization rate, situation of environment pollution.
     (4) Base on the theoretical and empirical studies, from hunan two oriented agricultural development mechanism and development strategic choice, and the system of government support and control systems of Hunantwo oriented agricultural development to discuss two oriented agricultural development mode, the operation of the power, etc., and puts forward to relevant policy Suggestions of two oriented agriculture as the main body of modern agricultural development.
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