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Tahe Ordovician oil reservoir is a super-deep carbonate heavy oil reservoir with fractures and cavities. Due to the complicated reservoir properties, the initial well production rates are much higher, but decreases quickly after bottom water breakthrough at very early production stage. To improve the artificial lift deliverability, well-bore viscosity-reducing agent and corresponding matching techniques were investigated, including the chemical viscosity-reducing agent evaluating, the related surface process allocating, the oilfield testing, the developing of the high pressure-resistance polished-rod stuffing box and the assembled oil gas separator. All of these investigations were contributed to the carbonate heavy oil reservoir production in the later or mature producing period. To lay a basis for the oilfield production design, Tahe oilfield deep-well artificial lift techniques were optimized through the calculation of the natural flowing and unit pumping well inflow performances and the annular pressure distribution along the well-bore. The production techniques for different production periods, different fracture and cavity units and even different oil properties were studied and optimized according to Tahe oilfield artificial lift practice, mainly including rod-pump and electric submersible pump production system optimization theoretical studies. The corresponding software were developed and proved efficient by the oilfield application.
     The artificial lift matching techniques described above not only means great to Tahe oilfield cost efficient development, but also provides necessary technical support and preparation for other blocks development of the oilfield.
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