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International service outsourcing, is a business model that enterprise (especially multinational corporations) outsource its IT support services, human resources management or business processes such as demand for the service entrusted to other enterprises in different country, in order to focus on their core business and achieve the business objectives better. With the global industrial transferring and value chain restructuring deepening, this business model is playing an increasingly important role. Outsourcing may be the most promising industries in the tide of Globalization. The worldwide industrial restructuring, brought about by the current financial crisis, will bring more opportunities to international service outsourcing industry. Under the impact of the financial crisis, more and more multinational companies and financial institutions will outsoure their business process to low-cost countries and regions, in order to cut cost. Therefore, the financial crisis did not push the prices down, but demonstrate its unique advantages and vitality:a substantial increase in the total market, the gradual proliferation of regional, and constantly enrich the buseness connotation.
     Since 1980s, China's manufacturing sector seize the opportunity of international transferring of production, by virtue of cost advantages, and hold a large number of manufacturing outsourcing business. However, this mode of economic growth increasingly present its shortcomings:the conflicts between economic growth and energy, between resources and the environment, are intensified, and the dependence of the economic growth towards exports and investment is becoming serious and serious. It is of great significance for China to undertake international service outsourcing, only in this way can China changes economic growth model and improve export dependency situation, to maintain growth, and promoting the employment. From the micro perspective, we can research the mechanism of trust better. The inevitable result is to provide management recommendations for Chinese corporations participate in the activities of international service outsourcing.
     Through in-depth literature study and extensive field investigation, we found that in the current international service outsourcing activities, the trustor(mainly multinational companies and foreign-invested enterprises) are in a strong position and a buyer's market, and Chinese corporations are in the weak position. The trustor and the trustee are in a severe asymmetries and imbalances state. In order to study trust mechanism and help the Chinese enterprises to improve their level of trustworthiness, and to accept more business, it is necessary to carry out empirical research from the contracting party enterprise. Chinese enterprises in undertaking to build confidence between the parties, the in absolute weak position.
     This dissertation is based on social exchange theory, and research the trust mechanism between the trustor and the trustee in the circumstance of international service outsourcing. First, through the inheritance of social exchange theory, this dissertation analyse the differences of economic exchange and social exchange,and illustrate the fundamental difference between international service outsourcing and manufacturing outsourcing. Then we analyse the existing empirical research literature of inter-firm trust, social exchange theory and principal-agent theory, as well as on the basis of field research, this paper built an mechanism model of international service outsourcing in the party awarding the trust. This research selects more than 200 corporations in China as a sample to collect data, using Structural Equation Modeling and AMOS7.0, we test the hypothesis presented in this paper. Empirical research found that:
     1. Historical information has a significant influence on trust:the more successful the co-operation in the past, the higher degree of trust the principal towards the agent. The agent company's reputation is positive to the degree of trust the principal towards the agent.
     2. The current state of the international service outsourcing enterprises, and the relationship between the principle and the agent are all. The assessment of the principle towards the agent's capacity to undertake the outsourcing business is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the principle towards the agent's efficacy to undertake the outsourcing business is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the principle towards the agent's benevolence to undertake the outsourcing business is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the communication between the principle and the agent is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple; The assessment of the value compatibility between the principle and the agent is positive to the degree of trust perceived by the priciple.
     3. The impact between the past experience of cooperation, the receiving party's reputation and the perceived level of confidence, is depended on the intermediary role of the current evaluation of the variables. Among these 10 relationship path, there are six fully supported (full mediation), two weak support (partial mediation), two did not support (without an intermediary effect). Structural equation model analysis supports the conclusions that an intermediary form of the overall model is reasonable.
     The innovation and theoretical contributions of this study are mainly:First, the research develops the social exchange theory and its application to international service outsourcing enterprises. Through studying on the relationship among economic exchange and social exchange, this dissertation explain the essential difference between international service outsourcing and the manufacturing outsourcing; secondly, study content of innovation, whether outsourcing, service outsourcing, inter-firm trust, or international service outsourcing, there are many classical literature in any single field. However, what we need is theoretical study combined cross-study, and comprehensive study. This paper combined economics, management science, sociology, theory, and results of previous studies, and made many creative application and development. Third, through the enterprise level empirical research, this research confirms the existence and importance of trust in international service outsourcing enterprises, most important, this dissertation researched the generate mechanisms of the antecedent variables.
     Of course, regardless of some academic attainments, the study still remains many shortcomings. In the last part of this paper, the author presents the limitations of this study and several issues that need to be studied in the future.
    3重要科技业者宏碁集团创办人施振荣先生,在1992年为「再造宏碁」提出了有名的“微笑曲线”(Smiling Curve)理论,微笑嘴型的一条曲线,两端朝上,在产业链中,附加值更多体现在两端,设计和销售,处于中间环节的制造附加值最低。微笑曲线中间是制造;左边是研发,属于全球性的竞争;右边是营销,主要是当地性的竞争。当前制造产生的利润低,全球制造也已供过于求,但是研发与营销的附加价值高,因此产业未来应朝微笑曲线的两端发展,也就是在左边加强研展创造智慧财产权,在右边加强客户导向的营销与服务。
    8 Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad, The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, May-June 1990.
    9原文是"Outsourcing is the turning over to outside suppliers of work that big companies and other institutions used to do(or could be expected to do) for themselves"(Michael Corbett,2004a)。
    "Outsourcing:Many of the traditional functions are peformed outside of the firm by contractors. The organization operates not just though internal coordination, but though active external coordination of a network of supplies and distributors with whom the firm maintains longstanding ties" (Besanko, Dranove and Shanley,1996 p.690)
    12目前服务外包的离岸化成为研究的一个新的热点,所以部分学者将服务包的概念限制在离岸方面,也就是国际服务外包,我们把它称为服务外包的离岸化,西方学者称为"offshore outsourcing",也是本文研究的重点。
    15 Business:The Ultimate Resource, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.2003,P.1303
    16 J.Bhagwati,A.Panagariya,T.N.Srinivasan. The Muddles over Outsourcing[J]. The Journal of Economic Perspectives,2004,Vol.18,No.4.
    17伴随经济全球化的推进和服务贸易领域出现的新现象,学术界和国际经济组织对服务贸易提出一种对象范围进一步拓宽的定义。广义的界定方式是把国际收支帐户定义的居民和非居民之间的三类服务交易继续认定为国际贸易的同时,还把外国投资者在东道国建立的企业或分支机构向东道国居民、机构提供的服务纳入服务贸易范畴,为此提出“外国附属机构服务交易活动”概念,并将其看作是外资企业通过商业存在(commercial presence)途径进行服务贸易的基本供应模式之一。
    18 United Nations, World Trade Organization et al., Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Service, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division, Statistical Papers, Series M No.86,2002
    19 Sengupta, Singh and Moses,2006, pp.53-63
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    28 Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman, Outsourcing versus FDI in Industry Equilibrim, NBER WORKING PAPER SERIS, Working Paper 9300,
    29 Alan V. Deardorff, A Trade Theorist's Take on Skilled-labor Outsourcing, International Review of Economics and Finance, VOL.14,2005, pp259-271.
    30 Gene M. Grossman, Elhanan Helpman, Adam Szeidl, Optimal Integration Strategies for the Multinational Firm[R], Working Paper,,2-2004.
    31 James R. Markusen, Modeling the Offshoring of White-Collar Services:From Comparative Advantage to the New Theories of Trade and FDI, Prepared for the Brooking Forum, "Offshoring White-Collar Work:The Issues and Implications", May12-13,2005.
    32 Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman, Outsourcing versus FDI in Industry Equilibrim, NBER WORKING PAPER SERIS, Working Paper 9300,
    33 Mary Amiti and Shang-Jin Wei, Service Outsourcing, Productivity and Employment:Evidence from the US, 5.pdf.
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    35 J.Bhagwati,A.Panagariya,T.N.Srinivasan. The Muddles over Outsourcing[J]. The Journal of Economic Perspec-tives,2004, Vol.18,No.4.
    36 Gregory Mankiw, Swagel Phillip. The politics and economics of offshore outsourcing[J]. Journal of Monetary Economics,2006, Vol.53 Issue 5, p1027-1056,30p.
    37 Hirschheim et al., Information Technology outsourcing:The move towards offshoring[J]. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Special Issue,2004:103-123.
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    39 Mary Amiti and Shang-Jin Wei, Fear of Service Outsouring:Is It Justified?, Economic Policy, April 2005, pp.309-346.
    40 Holger Gorg, Aoife Hanley and Eric Strobl, Outsourcing, Foreign Ownership, Exporting and Productivity:An Empirical Investigation with Plant Level Date, Leverhunme Centre, Reaear Paper 2004/08.
    41 Jae-Nam Lee, Minh Q. Huynh and Shih-Ming Pi, The Evolution of Outsourcing Research: What if the Next Issue? Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences-2000.
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