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As the technological innovation cycle became shorter, the externalities of network, the complexity and integration of technology increased, the enterprises are difficult to achieve sustained competitive advantage on its own resources alone. The technological alliance as a platform for cooperation and innovation has become an important option for enterprises'technology strategy, while the alliance's performance is closely related to enterprises'organizational behaviors. Therefore, it is of importance to examine the operation of technological alliance and explore the enterprises'adaptive behaviors in technological alliance from the view of organizational behavior. By taking the operating mechanism of enterprises technological alliance as the main research subject, the paper does a tentative research work at micro level.
     Firstly, at interfirm relations level, the paper extracts the main organizational behavior attributes affecting on enterprises technological alliances'operations, and establishes a model on the technological alliance performance relevance of enterprises' organizational behavioral attributes, included trust, commitment, communication, conflict reduction, protectionism, culture synergy, shared vision and cooperation. Secondly, at the individual firm level, the paper has an empirical research on the process that the external knowledge management capacity are correlated with the different dimensions of organizational developmental culture culture and entrepreneurship, and hence to promote the benefits from network embeddedness, and finds the source of differences in network capacity. Finally, the evolution process of alliance partnership is surveyed, and the partnership coordination and networking capabilities enhancement mechanisms for enterprises in technological alliance are established.
     Through theoretical exploration and quantitative analysis, some important conclusions are drawn as follows:(1) trust, commitment, communication, conflict reduction, culture synergy between enterprises in alliance positively and significantly correlates with cooperation. Protectionism and shared vision has no significantly relationship with cooperation. Cooperation positively and significantly correlates with alliance performance. The results show that the technological alliance performance relevance of enterprises' organizational behavioral attributes at interfirm relations level.
     (2) Organizational culture is an important determinant at the firm level that can influence knowledge management behavior and network competence. Developmental culture, entrepreneurship both strongly and positively affect enterprises' external knowledge retention competence and absorptive competence, while external knowledge retention competence and absorptive competence have significant positive impact on enterprises' benefits from network embeddedness. External knowledge management competence mediates the relationship between developmental culture and benefits from network embeddedness. Developmental culture and entrepreneurship can have greater positive effects on benefits only through external knowledge management capability as an intermediary variable.
     (3) Evolution cycle of technological alliance can be divided into initiation, structuration and performance achievement phases. A framework for behavior coordination mechanism adapting to the various evolution stages of alliances are proposed, which consists of partner selection, legal coordination, relationship capital coordination, exchange climate optimization, management system coordination, network rents coordination. It can effectively coordinate enterprises'interactive behaviors. Enterprises can protomote knowledge sharing and learning through developing innovation organizational culture and enhancing external knowledge retention and absorptive competence, hence to improve network competence.
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