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Content: In 2000, Zhili Chen, the minister of Chinese Education Ministry, pointed out that we must take hold of advantage chances to popularize IT education in primary schools and in middle schools and promote Education Modernization by means of Information. With the quick development of science and technology, IT in education has turned into the most inportment cite of international education. IT in education is the needs of Education Modernization, currying out meeting spirit, deeping ducation innovation and quality education. The development of modern information technology brings austere challenge and uncommon opportunity. The quicken of IT in education can accommodate the needs of epoch. IT in education has become the crest of education in next century. My thesis attemps to associate Education Technology and IT in education with design of project learning platform and bases actuality and needs of project learning. It is urgent to construct a powerful and reasonable project learning system. The paper introduces the research and development of a general project learning platform based on the current situation and request of project learning. With the analyzes and studys of project learning platform, pointing out lacks and problems, and exercise the computer web technology and software engineering technology, studying the project learning platform. Project learning platform' s essential characters is investigated and a web-based general project learning platform is designed and implemented according to a practical curricular , which supply a perfect remote learning environment, through which the students can fulfill the course, including registering, studying, communicating, submitting the assignment, taking the examination and etc. At the mean time the teachers can manage student, publish news and test the students online. The problems of project learning platform were solved and the new thoughtfulness was offered.
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