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With the transformation of politics, economics and cultural mechanisms, employment discrimination has become never negligible; the seriousness of this problem has attracted more attention from various sectors of society. This thesis attempts to elucidate the expressions and harmfulness of sex discrimination in the process of employment with the start from the status of today's the employment sex discrimination; therefore, to manifest that women are in a more harsh situation than men when choosing an occupation; and that the employment sex discrimination has never been exterminated although with the development of time. Employing relevant theories of sociology, this thesis discusses and analyzes the basic reasons for employment sex discrimination from five factors: social culture, economic situation, biological traits, feminine qualities, and laws together with regulations; and then aims to make some propositions about the reconstruction of employment sex equality. The author suggests that it is fundamental for solving the problem of employment sex discrimination to construct the advanced sex culture, to heighten feminine qualifications, to improve the social welfare, and to better the regulations and policy of equal employment. The thesis is of realistic significance as well as of theoretical value. By means of comparative induction, literature, and synthesis analysis, and from the perspective of theories of gender, an in-depth analysis and illustration is conducted on the problem of employment sex discrimination in our society, in light of the theories of labor market discrimination within the field of sociological study, the theories of gender, and individually prejudicial discrimination and also other theories. In addition, benefiting from economics, law, ethics and population researches on the issue, the thesis tentatively puts forward appropriate measures for the solution of employment sex discrimination, which embodies the integrative research in sociology and the concern for the social reality.
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