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Population aging has been a global phenomenon today. Accompany with the growth of the elderly, existing politics、economy、society etc. Each aspect all will be under the influence of certain degree. How can we deal with this problem and take care of the elderly, become an urgently problem needed to be resolved. From the practice of our country and draw lessons from the western countries, the scholars in our country put forward a new kind of mode to support the elderly——“Housing Supporting”. This kind of mode found out a better balance point between the family and the society. It is match the trend of the social development, getting the extensive concern of the public. Many scholars launched a thorough research to this mode. Speak currently, existing researches mainly concern on the advantage、the practice、the problems and the suggestions of this mode. The demand of the elderly in the housing supporting service has its unique characteristic, which means different groups put up different demand in service. And the related substantial evidence study also rare. Therefore, this research will make up the shortage of that aspect!
     This thesis consists of seven parts. The first chapter is introduction. It shows the necessity of this research, the background, literature review, main objects, framework and methodology. The second chapter analyzes the present condition of the housing supporting service of the elderly in Shanghai, and this chapter also analyzes the influence factors. The third chapter analyzes the common character and the differences of the service demand of the elderly in Shanghai. The fourth chapter is the main research discovery and conclusion. The fifth chapter is the developed country or the local retirement service experiences and uses for reference The sixth chapter puts forward some suggestions and measures. The last chapter points out some creative aspects and weak points of this study.
     The conclusions are as follows:
     1. We find that the condition of the housing supporting service for the elderly is not good in Shanghai. The ratio of the popularity and the usage of the housing supporting service are not high. One of the main reasons is the community can not offer the housing supporting service for the elderly accord to the demand character of different group.
     2. The four individual characteristic: occupation、sex、income、the ability to take care of oneself have great influence on the demand of the housing supporting service in Shanghai. These factors are significant.
     3. The classification comparison finds out there are common and different character in the demand of the housing supporting service of the elderly in Shanghai:
     1) The common character: All the elderly have the demand in medical care. And this demand is free from the classification standard and the influence of the community difference.
     2) The difference:
     Under the occupation categorize standard, the cadre group have an urgent demand in“spirit cultural service”; the intellectual group have an urgent to participate in the society, they hope the community can provide the employment service and offer a platform for their participation; the old worker and the farmer group look after a basic medical treatment and the daily life guarantee, beside these they also have great demand in“the law service”.
     Under the sex categorize standard, the old female group have great demand in“nursing、health care service”and“emergence calling service”. Compare with the old female group, the old male group have more need in“husbandry service”and“take care of the elderly service”.
     Under the income categorize standard, the main difference is the charge for the housing supporting service. For the poor group, they hope the service of the community is cheap or free. For the general income group, they hope the government gives some subsidy for the service. For the wealthy group, they don’t care much about the price of the housing supporting service, they just hope the community can provide some good services, which can meet the need of the elderly and have a high quality.
     Under the ability to take care of oneself categorize standard, those ole people who can’t take care of themselves need much more help. They have the greatest and the widest demand in housing supporting service. They hope the society and the community can pay more attention to them. How to take care of them will become the biggest challenge for us in the future!
     The creative aspects lie in that we divide the whole elderly into different group, and base on this foundation, we compared the common character and the difference between the groups. In that way, the community will provide better service. The biggest shortage of this thesis is we didn’t study the deep reason of the phenomenon!
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