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In recent years, reconstruction of the auricle for the patient with microtia has been developmenting rapidly in China, but the relationship between ear and jaw defects in syndromic patterns of malformation cannot be found in Chinese literature.
    This study consisted of two sections, the one is about the relationshipe between ear and jaw, the other is about the comprehensive treatment for microtia.
    SECTION ONE The relationship between ear and jaw
    Despite the major contributions of Grabb and Comverse et al, most clinicians and much recent writing continue to treat unilateral ear deformity as a distinct entity. The purpose of this section is to emphasize again that unilateral microtia is not a srparate syndrome but part of hemifacial microsomia. It is a research which never carried out in China befor.
    Materials and method.
    In 1986 and 1987, 138 patients with microtia who were scheduled hospital admission for ear reconstruction were studied.
    1, Occurrence of congenital anomalies in the family was recorded.
    2, The grade of microtia was graded using the system of
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