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随着核物理的分支学科-重离子物理的蓬勃发展,国内外对于重离子加速器的建设进行了大量的投入。兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)工程的外靶实验探测器系统包括:起始时间探测器、靶区γ探测器,大接收度二极磁铁、多丝漂移室径迹探测器、飞行时间墙探测器和中子墙探测器等。其中起始时间探测器用于测量打靶时刻,为其他各电子学测量通道提供反应时间原点;多丝漂移室通过测量带电粒子的漂移时间得到粒子径迹信息;飞行时间墙和中子墙使用了快闪烁体单元条+光电倍增管(PMT)的探测方案测量粒子的飞行时间,获得粒子种类、能量、飞行角度等信息;靶区γ球探测器主要进行碰撞过程中γ射线总能量的测量以及同位素鉴别。本论文将介绍对于外靶实验读出电子学预研系统的研究,设计不同的读出电子学模块包括时钟扇出模块,触发模块,高精度时间电荷测量模块、漂移室测量模块等。探测器读出电子学主要使用两个方面的技术-电荷测量技术和时间测量技术。电荷测量技术包括电荷电压转换、电荷时间转换和波形数字化等三种技术;电荷时间转换技术中的TOT (Time over Threshold)技术具有电路简单、成本低、功耗小等特点。时间测量技术包括前沿定时技术和时间数字变换技术;前沿定时技术因为其结构简单、易于进行高集成度设计等优点而在高能物理中获得了广泛的应用;但需要进行时幅修正,消除时间游走效应。定时甄别之后的信号进行时间数字变换。
     在本预研系统设计中使用的技术方法主要包括基于TOT的电荷测量方法,前沿定时甄别方法,时间戳型时间数字转换方法等。在时间测量模块和电荷测量模块分别作为核心测量芯片的是HPTDC和SFE16两款芯片。HPTDC是欧洲核子中心开发的,非常适合粒子物理实验的高性能数据驱动型TDC。 SFE16是一款基于TOT技术的16通道集成芯片。这两款芯片因为其很高的集成度、低成本、低功耗以及出色的测量性能而在本系统中得到了应用。在预研系统中,时钟模块为各测量模块提供高精度的同步时钟;触发模块接收各测量模块的子触发信号,经过全局判选后通过机箱背板传输至各插槽的测量模块用于触发判选;漂移室测量模块对漂移室探测器前端电子学QTC模块输出的脉冲信号进行128通道脉宽测量,从而获得电荷信息;时间电荷测量模块同时测量16路信号,将输入信号分成了两路,一路送到前沿定时甄别器和HPTDC中进行时间测量,另一路送到SFE16和HPTDC中进行电荷测量,电荷信息将用于进行时间游动效应的修正。预研电子学系统设计遵循PXI6U规范,测量数据通过PXI总线输出至上位机。对预研系统的测试包括实验室条件和探测器联调条件两种平台下的测试,分别包含时间性能和电荷性能两个方面。经过测试,预研系统的各项性能和功能均能达到设计要求。
With the development of Heavy Ion Physics, the branch subject of nuclear physics, the governments over the world put a large number of funds and resources into the construction of heavy ion accelerators. The Heavy Ions Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL) Cooler Storage Ring's main ring has been set up, the detector systems of which consist of a start time detector、Multi-wire Drift Chamber, Time of Flight Wall and Neutron Wall, etc. The Start time detector is used to measure the arrive time of the ion beam at the target zone, which is the original time point of the reaction; the Multi-wire Drift Chamber to obtain the traces of the ions by measuring the drift times.; the Time of Flight Wall to measure the flight time of charge particles, the Neuron Wall to measure the flight time of neutron; the two Walls is constructed with the structure of Plastic scintillators and PMT to detect the ions. The gamma detector is used to measure the energy of gamma ray generated in the collisions, and distinguish the Isotopes. The paper will introduce the research in the Pre-research of the readout electronics system of the external experiment system, which consists of a clock distribute module, a trigger module, high precision time and charge measurement modules, a MWDC measurement module etc. The charge measurement and the time measurement. are two important parts of readout electronics of detectors. There are three methods of charge measurement that are charge to time conversion, wave sampling and charge to time conversion. Charge to time converter based Time-over-threshold technique has the characteristic of simple circuit, low price and low power. Time measurement includes time discrimination and time to digital convert (TDC). Leading end discriminator circuit is easily realized and integrated. But it has to be corrected to decrease the "time walk" effect.
     The technologies used in the Pre-research system are the charge measurement based on the TOT (Time over Threshold), the Leading End discriminator and the time stamp TDC etc. The HPTDC chips are used as the kernel of the time measurement module and the SFE16as the kernel of the charge measurement module. The HPTDC chip is developed by the CERN, which is suitable to Nuclear Physics experiments as a data driven TDC. SFE16is an16-channel ASIC chip base on the TOT. The two chips are applied in the system for their high performance and the high Integration、low cost and low power. In the system, the clock module provides high precision synchronous working clocks for the other modules in the chassis; the trigger module combines the sub trigger signals from the measurements modules, generates the global trigger signals and then distributes them to the other modules form the backplane of the chassis. The MWDC measurement module measures the width of pulses from the128channels of the QTC on the FEE. The time and charge measurement module measures16channels signals from detectors. The signals are split to2parts, one put to the time measurement module, and the other to the charge measurement module. The charge results will be used to correct the time walk effect. The Pre-research system is designed based on the PXI6U Specification, and the data results are transferred to the remote PC. The tests of the Pre-research system consist of tests in the electronics lab and tests with the detectors, including time measurement and charge measurement performance.
     The test results shows that the pre-research system works well and steadily as designed.
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