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The reform of vocational education courses is an important part of the education revolution and is a necessity of the reform of vocational education. The reform of vocational education courses is a system project. It should start from the purpose of training, and attaches importance to courses in vocational schools, the pattern, the contents, teaching materials and methods of teaching.
     I sum up the present situation and problems of Chinese language teaching in vocational schools, observe the position and functions of Chinese language teaching in vocational schools and determine the reform direction of the combination of Chinese teaching and teaching of specialized subjects according to my taching experience more than 10 years..
     Reform specialization of Chinese lessons is an important and new course form which is put forward in the late reform of the vocational education. The thesis mainly tells the contents and methods of the reform of Chinese teaching in vocational schools, tries to find out the evaluation of teaching which is suitable to the plan of the education reform and studies the problems and the solutions which are possible to arise in the teaching reform.
     As regards to the contents of teaching, solutions students ought to be lead to study the basic knowledge of Chinese language and relative professional knowledge in order to improve the professional ability. We should satisfy the demands of quality education and improve students' ability of Chinese language, especially the ability suitable to the demands of work, such as the ability of orally communication. Evaluation of teaching should be developed. The characteristics are of variety and multiplicity.
     In the last part, the thesis lists the problems which is possible to arise in the teaching reform and put forward the solutions.
① 叶肇芳 《关于职业教育课程改革的思考》
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