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Today we have entered a time in which modern soniferous techinique is rapidly developing. A multi-channeled, multi-formed, flexible, open, free and competitive situation has come into being. People have a wider room for activity and the social communication has become abroad, active and more frequently. Therefore, spoken language, as the basic and convenient communication tool, is often of prime importance in people social communication. It has become a basic need for everyone to have better spoken language communication ability to adapt to modern social communication. Nowadays the students in technical secondary school are very sensitive to his future career. Most are considering what they would do after graduation. The one who is good at or dares to speak publicly will gain more attention and more chances. Many employers have made spoken language communication ability the standard for choosing employees. Schools should attach great importance to the interview and competition speech. Spoken language communication ability is not a matter of speaking, but it has a direct and important influence on people’s social and economic statue. Then as the cradle of future socialized intelligent, it is essential for technical secondary school to cultivate the spoken language communication ability of students. It has become an important part in Chinese education and research. It is also an important researching question for the promotion of professional skills in technical secondary school. The article discuss the question for five aspects: the background and academic support, the analysis of teaching situation, the teaching contents, the teaching strategies and the five problems which should be paid attention to.
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