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"Cumulation powder particle flow" is formed by powder liner that was crushed by deto-nation. It is mainly comprised of the discrete state material power particle. Compared with the traditional traditional metal liner, powder liner is combination of discrete powder and pore. The main character of its jet is micro-discrete-continuous. Therefore, there is not only differ-ence but also certain relation between the mechanism of formation and penetration of cumula-tion powder particle flow and the traditional shaped charge jet. It is valuable to study on the formation processes, penetration mechanism and key influencing factors of the cumulation powder particle flow.
     Based on the formed process and penetration mechanism of the cumulation powder par-ticle flow, the speed estimates formula was got by the Birkhoff theory and Gurney pressure collapsed speed formula. The conclusions can be got followed. In the condition that the ma-terial characteristics are relative stability, improving the density of powder liner can help to improve the penetration ability of the cumulation powder particle flow. The wall thickness of the powder liner has a relative ideal value range at the same density. If the structure of the powder liner is reasonable, its density is the key influencing factor of the penetration effec-tiveness of cumulation powder particle flow.
     In order to study the effect of powder liner density on penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow, the velocity attenuation model of the cumulation powder particle flow was constructed with the aid of the Newton resistance law. The conclusions can be got followed. Improving the density of the powder liner will be helpful to slowing down the velocity attenuation of the cumulation powder particle flow. Improving the density of the powder liner will be helpful to increase the penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow. Improving the density of the powder liner will be helpful to increase the effective penetration distance of the cumulation powder particle flow. One can notice that it will increase the penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow in large stand-off.
     In order to improve the density of the powder liner, in the condition of using the same shaped charge and the same development process of the powder liner, the material ratio and sintering temperature of the powder liner and the material granularity of the powder effecting on the density of the powder liner and the penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow were studied by experiment. The conclusions could be reached followed. The average density of the powder liner can improved effectively by increasing the content of tungsten powder, but the penetration ability is not increase proportionally. It is not quite con-sistent with the theoretical analysis result. It is relevant to the sintering temperature of the powder liner. In the condition of same distribution ratio, reducing the particle size of the powder material and improving the sintering temperature can effectively improving the den-sity and compactness of the liner and the penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow. The penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow increases with the improving of the powder liner density. It agrees with the theoretical analysis results well.
     Based on the experimental results of the single factors, in the same condition, the stan-doff effect on the penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow and the penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow in large stand-off were stu-died by experiment. The conclusions could be reached followed. The ideal stand-off of the powder liner is larger than that of the spinning copperplate one. The relation between the pe-netration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow and the density and stand-off of the powder liner is consistent with the theoretical analysis results well. Improving the mass percentage of the tungsten powder reasonably, the sintering temperature and holding time can be increased effectively. It will help to improving the density of the sintered powder liner and the penetration effectiveness of the s cumulation powder particle flow in large stand-off. The penetration depth of the powder liner, which was composed of W(70%), Cu(25%) and others (5%), increased203.88%than that of the spinning copper one at the100mm stand-off in the experiment.
     In short, the experimental results agree with the theoretical analysis results well. They showed that improving the density of the powder liner can effectively improve the effective penetration distance and the penetration effectiveness of the cumulation powder particle flow. The conclusions provided some reference for its further study.
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