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Talented people' turnover is a very general phenomenon among corporations at modern times, which influence on modern organization's Human Resources Management(HRM).lt is more and more important and has already become the key factor of organization's success or failure. The flow of enterprise's employees is one of the important forms of the society and enterprise HR distribution. Through employees' flow, enterprises can adjust personnel's composition and optimize the structure of company and keep enterprise's vigor. Nowadays, because of the internationalization and globalization, the market is impacted dramatically and indulges in greater fluctuation. While the great fluctuation of the market must bring the unstableness of enterprises' employ. Both employees' voluntary flow and forcing to flow are all on the rise. Today, because the communication and information interchange are more and more convenient, employees can know their own job income and the condition of work and career chance easily. Employee's outf
    low of enterprises is a kind of important form, the influence of which has been already greater and greater. Because we lack experiences of developing market economy and managerial ability or the preparation for this phenomenon is insufficient, higher and higher employee turnover has already damaged normal development of some enterprises.
    This thesis studies enterprises how to prevent employee's turnover. Directly against the current situation of enterprise's brain drain, the author find out the key point of the question and has put forward the corporation culture tactics, salary tactics and organization tactics which can prevent from employee's turnover. By analyzing the case of Park Company, the thesis utilizes the above tactics synthetically to retain staff and help to solve the problem of HRM. All of the successful enterprises develop on the basis of succeeding in keeping talents needed. Establishing correct talent idea, treating and facing employee turnover correctly, finding out questions and taking positive measure, the enterprises will achieve success.
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