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This thesis mainly attacks a problem of the reforming to the system of the collective ownership enterprise, which problem is difficult to solve in nowadays China reforming.
    It is well known that such reforming is complex system engineering and involves many aspects of benefit and affair. Compared with one to state-owner enterprise, the reforming to the collective enterprise involves more questions, especially in ones left over by history, and thus operates with larger difficulty also. Furthermore, the reforming speed of town collective enterprise is not so fast as one of the village enterprise. Namely, it is more arduous for the town collective economy than the village collective economy.
    Especially, although some town-collective enterprises have also renewed system in recent years according to the request of higher authorities, the management situation did not change yet and the performance even appeared a descending trend. All of such situations must be paid more attention by us.
    Since it took a long time for the development of collective enterprise, therefore, we must study the source of the problem and find out old questions, as well as analyzing new ones.
    This thesis keeps track with the source, history and operation mode of collectively enterprise, analyzes the old problem involved such economic composition. In the meantime, aiming at the new problem companying the current reforming, the thesis puts forward new basic conception.
    This thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter I introduces current situation of collective economy and reviews origins, recent development on domestic and international studies. Chapter II deals with the development process of the collective enterprise, and its existent system defect was analyzed. Chapter 3, IV and V are the core of the thesis and touch upon the basic conception, problems as well as policies about town system reform of the collective enterprise. Chapter VI concentrates exclusively on empirical evidence. It proves that the conception of the thesis is feasible to operate.
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