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With the rapid development in China after joining the WTO, foreign banks havebecome an important part of the banking system.The entry modes at present will endowthe foreign banks with decision flexibilities under the impact of particular market andpolicy in China.They can transfer their branches intosubsidiaries when entering throughGreenfield investment, and either merger or exit when entering through equitycooperation. However, the existing studies ignore the influence of the strategies in thefuture and the realistic background of our market.And they have not paid much attentionto the entry modes of foreign banks from the dynamic point of view.Therefore, thisdissertation, which focuses on the characteristics of banks and market in China,analyzes the dynamic entry modes of foreign banks using the game theory and realoption theory. The conclusions are as follows.
     Firstly, the existing single-phase model of credit competition is expanded to amulti-phase model which achieves the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium (MSNE).It isshowed that, the information superiority from old customers of domestic banks in themulti-period credit competition will gradually be reduced and even eliminated. Only theinformation superiorityfrom screening ability can affect the multi-phase competitionequilibrium.For the reason that the MSNE model cannot expand conveniently, amulti-phase Salop model of credit competition which achieves the pure strategy Nashequilibrium is established. The new model, which contains the screening ability, bankefficiency and the number of branches, can be used as the base of the further researches.
     Secondly, the equity cooperationmodel under the minority ownershiprestriction isstudied.The results show that the foreign banks with high learning ability will do betterwhen the release timing of policy restriction is longer. Moreover, a real option model onthe merging and exit options is developed when consideringboth the uncertainties of therelease timing of policy restriction and market scale. It is shown that the policyrestriction will decrease the value of merging option while increase the exit optionvalue.And the foreign banks with lower opportunity cost or less efficiency or higherequity stake tend to continue cooperating with domestic banks.
     Thirdly, the phenomenon that branches of foreign banks transform into subsidiariesis studied by a real option approach. It is shown that foreign banks prefer to establishbranches in order to obtain the profit right now as well as exercise transformation optionwhen the market is large enough. The foreign banks with more information or higherefficiency or larger asset scale tend to transform earlier. In addition, the policy promotesthe transformation through restricting the scope of business of branches as well asreducing the capital requirements and releasing banking business of subsidiaries.
     Fourthly, the dynamic entry modes model is established based on the regioncharacteristics. When there are two regions with different quality client and market scalejust like China’s market, the foreign bank will enter through complex entry mode. As aresult, the foreign banks can both accumulate the bargaining power and reduce thedisadvantage of information through learning effects. Then foreign banks will enter thewhole market either through merger when the policy restriction does not exist orthrough Greenfield investment when the policy still exists in the future.
     Lastly, the entry modes of foreign banks under the impact of domestic banks’strategy are studied by the option game approach. The results show that, only theforeign banks with enough asset and very high efficiency will enter through Greenfieldinvestment. Others will choose to cooperate with larger domestic banks, which are theleaders in the option game equilibrium. Furthermore, the foreign banks with limitedasset and low efficiency will choose to become a shareholder of larger domestic bankswith few equities or Greenfield investment. And the foreign banks with limited assetand high efficiency willcooperate with the smaller domestic banks.
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