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Esophageal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors, which morbidity and mortality are high. Ku80 is a DNA-binding protein and mainly joins in non-homologous end joint and repairs DNA double-strand break. Moreover, it plays an important role in maintaining the stability of telomere structure, rearrangement of immunoglobulin V (D) J, controlling specific gene transcription. In recent studies, it is known that Ku80 is closely related to the occurrence and development of esophageal cancer. But the specific mechanism of Ku80 protein in the occurrence and development of esophageal cancer is still not reported.
     Through immunohistochemical analysis of 26 cases of esophageal cancer specimens and 10 cases of adjacent esophageal cancer specimens, we found that there is a high level expression of Ku80 protein in esophageal cancer tissue. In our experiments, Ku80 protein expressions in different tumor cell lines and embryonic kidney cell line HEK293 were analyzed. There is a high level of Ku80 protein expression in different tumor cell lines, especially in esophageal cancer cell lines EC9706.
     RNAi technology is a new and powerful tool for researching gene function in recent years. We successfully constructed pGCshRNA-Ku80 vector, and got stable silencing of Ku80 gene of esophageal carcinoma cell line by transfecting esophageal cancer cells EC9706 and selecting with G418.
     Our research showed that cells proliferation, adhesion and invasion were inhibited in esophageal cancer cells by silencing Ku80 gene in vitro. In vivo experiments, it was showed that silencing Ku80 gene could inhibit tumorigenicity in a xenograft model of nude mice.
     Silencing Ku80 gene could increase the sensitivity of tumor cells toγ-rays and mitomycin C, which promoted esophageal cancer cell apoptosis induced byγ-rays and MMC. Silencing Ku80 gene made cell arrested in G_2/M phase of cell cycle.
     In conclusion, it was confirmed firstly that Ku80 could promote esophageal cancer cells proliferation, adhesion and invasion in our experiments. Thus, Ku80 plays an important role in the occurrence and development of esophageal cancer. Moreover, silencing Ku80 gene could increase the sensitivity ofγ-rays and chemicals, which provide a theoretical basis for applying in clinical cancer therapy in the future.
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