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Under the background of telecom reorganization and issuance of 3G licenses, telecom competition is aggravated day by day. It is of great practical significance to research how to promote effective competition in telecom market and how to regulate the telecom competition effectively. There are many researches on effective competition, but more researches concentrated on market access, interconnection and price regulation, which is not systematic. Therefore, it is the basic point of this paper to establish the target system, monitoring system, measure system and evaluation system of effective competition which is suitable to China's national conditions, so that to keep China's telecom industry in a state of effective competition, that is, to encourage'appropriate competition between enterprises within telecom industry, while maintain a certain degree of concentration and promote scale economic benefit.
     To achieve the aims above, qualitative approach, quantitative approach and comparative method are employed. Fuzzy Comprehensive Judging method and Analytic Hierarchy Process method are applied comprehensively as well to make theoretical research on effective competition regulation.4 systems are established in this paper, that is, target system, monitoring system, measure system and evaluation system of effective competition. There are 4 indicators in the effective competition target system, namely, telecom market structure, market behavior of operators, market performance and welfare of consumers. To the effective competition monitoring system, the detection of qualitative indicators and the determination of threshold value of quantitative indicators are included in this system, and 3 core indicators are measured quantitatively, that is, market concentration, market share and price cap. As for the effective competition measure system, the paper holds that it would be difficult to prove effective in short term rely on structural measures alone, but a series of asymmetric regulation measures should be combined to complement mutually and coordinate to each other. For effective competition evaluation system, Fuzzy Comprehensive Judging method and Analytic Hierarchy Process method are employed to make post-assessment for the implementation of policies and measures. And a general framework of effective competition policy assessment is established as well.
     It is the first time to research effective competition regulations of telecom market in China from the following 4 perspectives, that is, target system, monitoring system, measure system and evaluation system. Combined with experiences of other countries and current actual situation in China, with Fuzzy Comprehensive Judging method and Analytic Hierarchy Process method, this paper makes a lot of innovative studies to make up for the limitations of existing studies.
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