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With the promotion of technological Revolution, the importance ofindependent innovation is becoming increasingly prominent, more and morecountries and regions consider improving the ability of independentinnovation as the developing strategy of enhancing the competitiveness ofthe auto industry, so the independent innovation ability has become themost important decisive factor in the competitiveness of auto industry.Therefore, with today’s surging pressure of competition both at home andabroad, as the pillar industry in Chongqing, auto industry mustunswervingly adhere to the independent innovation, improve the ability ofindependent innovation overall area to seek qualitative development.
     This paper summarized the relevant theories and researches ofdeveloping independent innovation capability in car industry, made athorough study of the present situation of independent innovation of autoindustry in Chongqing based upon the analysis of auto industrydevelopment trend of independent innovation and basic condition ofindependent innovation in Chongqing auto industry and the measurement ofits ability. The paper also made an in-depth analysis of the shortcomings ofindependent innovation ability in Chongqing auto industry, and analyzedthe reason of restricting the development of its innovation ability from theenterprise, industries and regional level, synthetically applied the aboveresults of qualitative and quantitative analysis and related economictheories. Then, the paper learnt from the experience of improving theindependent innovation capability in developed countries and the developedareas in car industry in our country, such as America, Japan, Korea abroad,Shanghai, Jilin, Anhui at home, and explored the enlightenment toChongqing. At last, the paper put forward the countermeasures of promotingthe ability of independent innovation of Chongqing auto industry.
     Through the study, this paper draws the following conclusion:
     1. Through standard analysis, this article concluded that theindependent innovation ability of Chongqing auto industry has made someprogress in R&D investment, basic capacity of independent innovation andtalent team construction, but there still exists problems as unbalanceddevelopment of innovation ability between large enterprises and medium-sized and small enterprises. Through empirical analysis, the articleconcluded that the independent innovation ability of Chongqing autoindustry rank middle position in many national typical provinces and cities,mainly because there still is a large gap between Chongqing and developedprovinces in car industry in innovation investment and innovationtechnology accumulation.
     2. The problems of independent innovation ability of Chongqing autoindustry include: the weakness of research ability of self-owned brand, theinsufficient research fund and talents, the unbalanced innovationimprovement between finished automobile and components and parts, biggap between developed provinces in basic independent innovation ability.The main reason for these problems: insufficient cooperation of enterprisesin the cluster, including the insufficient cooperation of vehicle and partsenterprises and large enterprises and SME co-operation; production, science,research co-operation mechanisms are inadequate, as well as thedevelopment of related industries lag; policy adverse guide, the lack ofsupport and self-developed science and technology system has not beenestablished.
     3.Based on the analysis, to improve the capability of independentinnovation ability of Chongqing auto industry, the paper suggest taking thefollowing measures: enterprises should strengthen their internalmanagement, give full play to the innovation and the dominant position,enhance the level of technological equipment configuration and build andimprove the operating platform of enterprise information; the entireindustry should strengthen the industrial integration, establish a publictechnology platform for the automotive industry and cultivate innovativetalents; the government should enact incentives and taxation policy and usefinancial policies to increase business investment, to support theconstruction of independent brands and improve the innovation capacity ofparts enterprises through purchase, etc.
     There are two innovations in the research done in this article: on thetopics, this paper aimed at innovation hotspots, systematic comprehensivelystudied the development of Chongqing auto industry from the perspective ofthe capability of independent innovation; on research methods, this papersynthetically used standardized, empirical, comparison method, systematic and comprehensive analyzed the status quo, problems and domestic andinternational experience of Chongqing automotive industry, the final policyrecommendations reflects the pertinence, practicability and persistence.
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