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糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)是由多种遗传和环境因素相互作用而引起的一组慢性代谢异常综合征。目前常用的口服降糖药有双胍类、磺脲类、噻磋烷二酮类等。这些化学降糖类药物尽管见效较快,但对肝、肾等脏器损害较大,甚至有发生低血糖的危险。一般这类抗高血糖药物仅仅只是降低异常升高的血糖,对于糖尿病患者起到治标不治本的作用。
Diabetes (diabetes mellitus, DM) is a group of chronic metabolic syndrome arising from the interaction of many genetic and environmental factors. Now commonly used oral hypoglycemic agents are glucophage, glibenclamide and so on. Although these chemical hypoglycemic drugs have fast effects, the liver, kidney and other organs were seriously injuried, or even there is risk of hypoglycemia. Generally such anti-high blood sugar drugs simply reduce the abnormal increased of blood sugar, but they can’t reduce islet damage in patients with diabetes.
     To avoid such shortage mentioned above, this subject focus on one of the basic pathological event in "islet injury," especially the advanced diabetes, islet severe recession of cell function, large number ofβ-cells apoptosis. In order to figure out this problem, a drug screening model on cell level was established for screening drugs from traditional Chinese medicine with the function of promotingβcell proliferation, and inhibiting apoptosis .The aim is to gain profit from treating the symptoms and cause of disease. And pure extracts of natural drugs play modest role, have slight side effects, and have great potential on being developed and utilized.
     First, in this experiment, RINm5f cells was basic materials, GLP-1 was positive reference, the activity of cell growth and proliferation determinated by SRB method. The best density of cells determined was 10,000 per hole, the GLP-1 concentration was 50 nmol / L, and the most proliferation rates was at 30%. The best secreen concentrations of Chinese medicine samples were 100 mg / L and 10 mg / L, the best interference time was 72 h. Successfully established a drug screening model in vitro at cell level. And 313 kinds of herbs were secreened by this model, and founed that two Chinese herbal medicines scolopendra and pheretima had the function of promoting proliferation in RINm5f cells.
     Then, the two drugs which had the function of promoting proliferation in RINm5f cells were preliminary separated by water-alcohol-ways, and evaluated the activity in RINm5f cells. The results showed that only the components dissolved in 50 percents of ethanol of scolopendra had significant effect on promoting proliferation in RINm5f cell, the others had no significant function on promoting proliferation.
     Finally, the water extracts of scolopendra which had higher rate of promoting the cell proliferation was used to evaluate its activity in vivo. The model of diabetes mellitus was induced by alloxan in mouse. The growth, blood sugar level,β-cell repairing were observed. The results showed that scolopendra had significant effect in decreasing blood glucose in diabetes mellitus mice.
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