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The Strategic Emerging Industry has attracted wide attention for its feature of being strategic, emerging, growing and innovative, and governments at all levels have authorized various economic policies to vigorously develop it, as it could not only directly enhance the industrial structure and regional economic growth, but also relevantly promote the land-use structure and therefore the regional spatial structure as well by the industrial's rational distribution location in the urban area, so that the regional economy might develop soundly and coordinately. At present, since our country is at the empirical stage of implementing the new-pattern urbanization and transforming an optimal industrial structure to develop the regional economy coordinately, the establishment of the decision-making mechanism and systems based on a deliberate study upon affective factors on and spatial distribution principles of strategic emerging industries, pretends to be of great theoretical significance and high practical value in the implementation of economic policy concerning economic development mode transformation and economic structure adjustment, and regional economic spatial structure optimization as well.
     Since industry spatial distribution has geographical inertia for once a certain space region within the scope of industrial location is selected, the re-adjustment will be relatively difficult and complicated, and therefore the spatial distribution of strategic emerging industry should be rationally designed from the initial phase. China's current industrial spatial distribution decision-making systems can be divided into several different levels with a commonly sequence of top-down, i.e. national planning by the central government, regional industry planning by provincial and municipal governments respectively, and district government industry selection and enterprise specific location selection, and every level of industrial location decision may eventually affect the industry spatial distribution. Domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of researches on strategic emerging industry concerning judging standards, industry option and location selection, but most research is aimed at a certain level decision-making perspective, instead of regarding industrial spatial distribution as an integrated system for research.
     Based on typical theories of classical economics, regional economics and economic geography, and started from location theory, the thesis integrates the theoretical system for the industry spatial arrangement, sets up the decision-making mechanism and the relatively complete industry distribution systems of industrial distribution at different level. After analyzing the factors influencing the spatial location option of the strategic emerging industry, different analysis-index-systems for respective decision-makers are established, i.e.:At the macro-level, emphasizing regional location choice in a certain scope; Intermediate-level, selecting the most suitable industry for local conditions from different industrial categories; And the micro-level, focusing on the enterprise spatial location selection. By using multi-level and multi-objective analysis-index-system, the thesis provides decision-making basis for the three level decision-makers respectively, and establishes a decision-making system for the spatial distribution of strategic emerging industries. Furthermore using industry data of Beijing, empirical research is conducted on its spatial distribution of strategic emerging industry. After analyzing the present situation and existing problems of relevant industries in Beijing are revealed, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.
     On the data-obtaining and selecting, since there are no mature statistical methods and desirable data on strategic emerging industries for analysis, the research adopts statistics classification standards for the strategic emerging industry by National Statistics Bureau as a guide, classifies more than30,000samples by utilizing the micro data from the municipal industrial enterprise database, Beijing Statistical Yearbook and all Districts'Statistical Yearbook so that the basic data system for the research is built up and thus the problem on data is solved. Upon the approach, basic data of related industry of Beijing, macro-economic data of all districts and counties are put into a unified data-management-system by applying Arc-GIS as a technological platform for geographical information analysis, hence the database for Beijing strategic emerging industry status analysis and distribution decision-making is founded. On the methodology, the thesis conducts weighting and scoring analysis for the established index-system and forms a relatively stable decision evaluation system by applying the methods as AHP, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and other statistical analysis method. About the empirical study, the thesis carries out an analysis the geographic conditions of16districts and counties of Beijing and the suitability and its degree ranks for each category of strategic emerging industries, by the above evaluation system, so as to provide the basis for municipal government making industry distribution decisions. Taking Tongzhou District and some other counties as the cases, the thesis confirms the above academic designs. Innovations of the study might be concluded as follows:1) establishing a theoretical system of spatial distribution for strategic emerging industries,2) designing a multi-level and multi-objective evaluation index-system for strategic emerging industries'spatial distribution; and3) constructing the spatial distribution decision-making mechanism for strategic emerging industries.
     The logical structure concerning the contents of the thesis can be concludes as the following four aspects. Firstly, the concept definition and literature review on the research subject, comprehensively combing domestic and abroad research findings on industrial distribution, strategic emerging industries, urban land utilization structure, land use efficiency evaluation, etc., especially review and evaluation on the regional strategic emerging industries'spatial distribution and research on the benefit evaluation of regional land use. Secondly, the establishment of theoretical analysis framework for strategic emerging industry location selection and spatial distribution, taking advantage of the basic principles of location theory in regional economics, and combining with the New Economic Geography Theory and the theory of Industrial Economics, the thesis develops the theoretical model of industrial spatial distribution to study the restrictive factors influencing strategic emerging industrial spatial distribution location factors such as analysis as industry features, constraint elements, etc.. Thirdly, the building-up of the suitability evaluation index-system for spatial distribution of the strategic emerging industries. Constructing the feasible analysis-index-system includes the index-systems mainly as agglomeration nature and industries linkages, constructing a strategic emerging industry spatial distribution evaluation index-system of spatial suitability and multi-level distribution decision-making mechanism. And finally, the empirical study, by using the analytical framework and index-system, the empirical research is conducted on Beijing strategic emerging industry's spatial distribution to find out the existing problems and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.
2 数据来源:郑雄伟,《世界新兴产业发展资讯2013》
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