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Along with most countries attaching much value to the protection of traditional intangible cultural heritage, digital modeling of intangible cultural heritages raised attentions of researches at home and abroad. Peking Opera is an important representative of Chinese traditional cultures, and its unique facial makeup art is the essence of our cultural treasures. Facial makeups in Peking opera have very high values in terms of aesthetic, culture, research and application. This thesis focuses on traditional facial makeups in Peking Opera. Firstly we analyzed patterns, colors and artistic features of the traditional facial makeups, and used compute to model and process them. Then we used graphic technologies to synthesize digital images and animations of facial makeups and render photo-realistic 3D facial makeups. Digital modeling for facial makeup in Peking Opera can effectively protect and inherit this priceless national treasure; to a certain extent, it also promotes the development of digital modeling technologies.
     This thesis mainly studies digital modeling and rendering technologies of Facial makeup in Peking Opera. The related problems which were discussed in this thesis include:how to build a facial makeup's synthesis system; how to control a facial makeup's expression; how to observe facial expression animation in multi-view ways; how to render photo-realistic 3d facial makeups. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows:
     1. A computer-aided design system for facial makeup synthesis in Peking Opera is established. Firstly we analyzed the drawing process of facial makeups and characteristics of the patterns used in it, and then constructed a pattern bank based on layers corresponding to the drawing process. During the synthesis step, users picked up some patterns from the pattern bank and composed them to form new facial makeups. The system also provides a serial of tools to let users edit or modify local patterns.
     2. A vectorizated hierarchical driven model of facial makeup's expression is proposed. Facial makeup's patterns and expression actions are handled separately. Firstly we constructed a vectorised pattern database, and then facial expression was decomposed 40 local action units based on the standard of facial action coding system. In the synthesis process, the user only need to follow the facial makeup layer draw order and select the desired patterns, he can get a facial makeup. Facial makeup's expression is achived through using the free-form deformation (FFD) technique to facial makeup patterns. Users can also control local expressions by some parameters.
     3. A hybrid-driven 2.5D model for expression animation of facial makeup in Peking Opera is proposed. Firstly we decomposed facial makeup's motion into four parts:basic expressions, eye motions, mouth motions, and head rotations according of the standard of facial action coding system. Each part is controlled by different animation technolegies. In the synthesis process of facial makeup's animation, users only need to select desired facial makeup and sound, and set expressions of keyframes, the system produces a vivid facial makeup's animation.
     4. Two photo-realistic rendering methods for facial makeup is proposed. By analyzing the current photo-realistic rendering methods of human facial skin, we found off-line and real-time rendering methods suitable for facial makeup. For the off-line rendering method, Firstly we used a high resolution normal map to enhance the skin detail, and then combined the BSSRDF skin model and a physical highlight model to render realistic facial makeup; For the real-time rendering method, based D'Eon real-time skin model, we modified parameters of the Gaussian mixture to render realisticly subsurface scattering effect of real facial makeup.
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