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The total volume of Chinese imports and exports reached $2173.83 billion in 2007, which has remained the third in the world for six consecutive years. China has become a great trading country attracting the attention of the whole world. However, a big trade country is not trade power yet. Chinese per capita trade is lower than the world average, and there is a wide gap between China and developed countries in some indexes of trade power, such as trade growth pattern. Along with the continuous expanding of China’s merchandise export volume, the export structure has also been regulated since the reform and open policy. Although China has improved its export structure, it still relatively falls behind on the whole. Even China's export trade volume can catch up with that of the developed countries; the structure of export commodities is similar to that of many developing countries. China's exports of primary products, resource-intensive products and high polluting products still occupied a large proportion of total export ratio. The existing structure of export commodities has brought about a series of negative consequences: (1) Easy to trigger trade war, such as anti-dumping and technical barriers (2) Co-existence between high speed of export growth and low efficiency. (3) High export dependency and terms of trade deterioration. Moreover, China has provided cheap natural resources to import countries at the expense of its domestic resource for years. Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to adjust the export structure of China according to its resource constraints.
     From the perspective of resource constraints and export trading structure this paper conducted multi-level, multi-dimensional studies of resource constraints and economic growth, exports and economic growth, export structure. Some economic theory of sustainable resources utilization and the export structure theory on the basis of comparative advantages, competitive advantages, upgrading the industrial structure and the international market share provide the theoretical support for the regulation of China's export structure as the resource constraints. Though Status Analysis of export structure and resource constraints in China, we draw a conclusion that although the present situation is better, the problems and effects induced by it are quite serious. Especially combined with economy developing, resource constraints are getting worse. Combined with example analysis of aquatic products, it shows that a structure-optimizing export is imperative. This paper also put forward counter-measures for optimizing China’s export structure based on present China’s situation and lessons drawn from South Korea's and Japanese successful experience.
     The primary innovation of this paper is, the economic Analysis of the restructuring of export commodities as resource constraints, this paper established technological innovation, industrial restructuring, policy innovation for regulating export structure under the conditions of resource constraints; Through analyzing on the present situation of export structure and resource constraints of China and combining the empirical analysis of export structure of aquatic products, this paper proved the internal relation between technological progress, industrial structure, systematical innovation and resource constraints and export structure, As well as the reducing effect of structure-optimizing exports to GDP consumption per unit. The main method of structure-optimizing exports is technology progress, industry upgrades, and systematical innovation.
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