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The paradigm shifts of contemporary learning research from theory to practice and education practice from teaching to learning promote the focus of instructional technology study from instructional model and design based on media to learning model and design enhanced by technology. In this case, with the development of ICT application in education, information technology environment becomes one of the most typical and primary learning environments, and the learning activity design emerges as a very hot topic for instructional design and technology professionals, meanwhile activity theory provides a rich idea resource and robust intellectual support for learning activity design in IT environment.
     In this dissertation, with the title of learning activity design in information technology environment, the author tries to development a theory for learning activity in IT environment, proposes various models for learning activity system in this new environment including structural model, interpretive model and process model, explores the process and implementation of learning activity design in IT environment through modeling methodology, develops a two-dimensional matrix as prototype for design by combining nine instructional events and four primary teaching model, establishes a process model for learning activity design in IT environment based on this prototype, and builds a decision making support system for learning activity design and apply it in practice. All of the work is conducted from the perspective of activity theory. The major findings could be found in the following points:
     1. Based on the innovative understanding of IT environment and activity theory, the author defines the IT environment by characterizing it as an open and distributed digital learning environment, and proposes a theory which defines the learning activity in IT environment as an active social interaction among learners and relevant elements enhanced by technology. This kind of social interaction could be divided three categories.
     2. From the perspective of system thinking, a concept of learning activity system in IT environment is proposed based on activity theory and two models for learning activity system in this new environment from micro to macro levels are developed. The author also explores the mechanism and structure of learning activity which happens in IT environment and builds a process model through transforming theory to practice.
     3. Using activity theory as guideline, the author develops a two-dimensional matrix for learning activity design by extending the classic nine instructional events in instructional design and applying it in IT environment, and provides a theoretical prototype for the practice of learning activity design IT environment, especially for design and development of decision-making system by identifying four steps to implement this model:original selection, rule identification, learning activity design, and space arrangement for learning activity.
     4. Establishing a process model for learning activity design in IT environment and identifying the four primary tasks:designing visual learning objects based on analyzing activity system, arranging situated and authentic learning activities following the orientation of learning objects, preparing various supportive tools for learning based on the idea of tool meditation, and setting various instruments in learning assessments to facilitate the all-around development of learners.
     5. Based on the function analysis, the author designs and develops a decision-making support system for learning activity design in IT environment, and identifies three resource bases, which include problem base situated in teaching and learning, rule base for activity selection and decision-making base for activity design, and two case bases, one for learning activity sequence setting and the other for learning activity application.
     6. Finally, the author applies all of the findings in interpreting cases based on PGP network teaching platform, a IT environment product developed by her institution, and shows how the teachers could combine pedagogical methods, social interaction, class monitoring and teaching arts in learning activity design in IT environment with the guide of activity theory. The author finds that the critical step for designing and implementing learning activity in IT environment is how to identify the sequence of learning activities.
     The most significant breakthroughs that the author has obtained in her dissertation include:
     1. Developing a new definition and understanding of IT environment and the learning activity in it from the perspective of activity theory, developing a theory for learning activity in IT environment, establishing various models to understand learning activity system in IT environment including structural model, interpretive model, and building a process model for learning activity in IT environment.
     2. Developing a two-dimensional matrix as a prototype for learning activity design by extending the classic nine instructional events in instructional design and combining it with the typical teaching models and proposing a process model as action framework for learning activity design in IT environment based on this prototype.
     3. Designing and developing a decision-making support system for learning activity design in IT environment to provide decision-making support for teachers who design learning activity in IT environment through a series of rules.
     Learning activity design in IT environment is very profound and comprehensive. Applying activity theory to research and design learning activity in digital environment is a big scale research topic. Due to various limitations, although many new findings have been obtained on learning activity design in digital classroom research, more efforts need to be done in the future in order to deepen this study.
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