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Extract: Art means to arouse people's consciousness and their underlying emotions in a creative way. Figure designing is the visual communication between meanings and people, an art form that enable receptors to process more information in less time, while at the same time arouse their appreciative experience and emotional resonance with the rich artistic, philosophical and cultural quality contained, winning their recognition. Therefore the creation of humorous figures is based on the probe of receptors' complex and deeply hidden emotion, the analysis of their psychology and the finding out of the most intense part of the conflict. It enables people to shake off the restraint of traditional thought, unfolding their wings of imagination to a free sky, encourages them to explore new way of expression, opening up new field for artistic creation. Today, we are living in an information age, when the integration of intelligence and sensibility has become an important principle in visual transmission. The creation
     of humorous figures has to on the one hand meet people's intellectual and emotional needs, while on the other hand satisfy their request in aesthetics. The aim of this thesis is to study the law governing the formation of thoughts in designing humorous figures, and to promote innovations in figure designing through the rational reflection and irrational transition of humorous thoughts and the exertion of creativity.
    The first part of this thesis analyses and sums up the concept of humor, indicating that it is the deepening and richening of spirit, a unique personality and aesthetic experience, an expression of emotional freedom
    and intelligence, and a logic inversion.
    Part two analyses the visual receptive psychology of humorous figures. Information delivered through humor figures include: information sensibility and psychological experience.
    Part three expresses the thought and aesthetic experience of humor. The thought of humor, intrinsically connected with artistic creation, depicts the instantaneous mix of people's aesthetic cognition, experience, and creative thinking and some other factors. Its aesthetic structure mode is embodied in: suspense creation, romancing, reversing or mutating; hence the key impact force of humorous figures.
    Part four expresses through humorous thought the pursuit of innovation, exoticism and fanaticism in the design of humor. Visual humor aims to visualize humorous thoughts in the contrasts between normal and abnormal, rational and absurd, orderly and messy, true and blurred, form and content., thus effectively enabling designer to exceed the established norm and with brand-new ideas consider new forms of figure designing wholly, domineeringly, multivariate, vertically, horizontally, and intercrossing. The reification of it in humorous figures tends to be more interesting, with sobriety implied in harmony, profundity in subtlety, simplicity in smartness.
    The objective of the thesis is to grasp humorous thoughts and the ways of humorous thinking as a whole, trace back to their origins, and lay a solid basis for further researches on methods of figure designing.
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